Truth Has No Chance on Capitol Hill

Truth Has No Chance on Capitol Hill

Americans are encouraged to believe that the U.S. Congress is practically on automatic pilot to serve the public. Happily, most Americans are not so gullible and Congress receives much of the contempt it deserves in public opinion polls. But the media and the...

NYT: The Deep State is Awesome!

The Times informs us that the "Deep State" is not the national security state's permanent network of military officers, CIA spies, FBI perjurers, and their millions of consultants and contractors and check-cashers. No, it's all government employees of any rank in any...

Mangy Old Cathy Young

This will probably have to be cut from the book for space, but I would hate to deprive you good people of more reason to despise the worst writer at Reason. She's so gross: It is no surprise though. In December 2001 Young ridiculed what she called the “canard” that...



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