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The What About Bobification of America

The What About Bobification of America

I love Bill Murray. I enjoy basically every movie he has ever done. One of my favorites is called What About Bob. No matter how many decades pass, I can't help but laugh out loud while watching it. In that classic, Bill Murray plays a man named Bob who is scared of...

Oh, So That’s Why You-All Love Government So Much

I just couldn't figure it out. Why would people put their children in government school? Do they hate their own children? Yes, that must be it. They hate their own children, but fearing what the government will do to them if they beat them, they just turn them over to...

Police: Criminals

Hmm. Why do so many regular law-abiding citizens hate and fear their local security force? It's because the police are dangerous felons.



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Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Americans today have “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, injected, harassed, surveilled, vilified, disarmed, beaten, detained, and maybe shot by federal agents. From hapless homeowners hit by SWAT raids to pandemic lockdowns pointlessly paralyzing lives, government...

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