Free Market

Remembering Rose Wilder Lane

Remembering Rose Wilder Lane

It was on this day in 1886 that the journalist and author Rose Wilder Lane was born in a little house on the prairie that she and her mother, Laura Ingalls Wilder, would later make famous. A brilliant, moody, and independent spirit, Rose was eventually to become one...

The “Greedy Private Property” Deception

The “Greedy Private Property” Deception

  A "property right" entitles one party to exclude another from interacting with a scarce part of the universe - i.e. to have a property right in my car entitles me to exclude others from driving it to Dallas when I wish to drive it to Phoenix. There is no...

An Economics Lesson for Idiot Robert Reich

An Economics Lesson for Idiot Robert Reich

...Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, became one of the wealthiest men in the world by figuring out how to cut the price of just about everything to the benefit of everyone, but especially of lower-income consumers. That’s one of the other virtues of the free market:...

Tom Woods Debunks the “Socialist Sweden” Myth

Tom Woods Debunks the “Socialist Sweden” Myth

  There’s plenty to say regarding Sweden: (1) its “socialist” policies were made possible by wealth created under an essentially capitalist economy (as recently as the 1950s, remember, government spent less as a percentage of GDP in Sweden than in the U.S.); (2)...



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