
Kyle Anzalone on Judging Freedom 1/4/2024

The great Judge Andrew Napolitano invited me onto his show, Judging Freedom, to discuss the ruthless Israeli war on the people of Gaza and Biden's faltering proxy war in Ukraine.

Free Book: An Anarchist Critique of the COVID Mandates

I’ve had the opportunity to write a short book offering what is essentially an anarchist critique of COVID mandates. This includes the accusation that states did most of the killing rather than the virus. The 123-page book, Measuring the Mandates: Questioning the...

Ban This!

Well shoot. I got kicked off of Twitter again. Not sure why. Though I did make a crack that Jordan Peterson should jump off a bridge since he has no dignity since he RTs the MeK cult on regime changing Iran. I mean I didn't really say go kill yourself. It was more...



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