
Stephen M Walt: Countries Should Mind Their Own Business

"As A.J.P. Taylor once archly observed, leaders in the 19th century “fought ‘necessary’ wars and killed thousands; the idealists of the 20th century fought ‘just’ wars and killed millions.”  Stephen M. Walt (professor of international relations at Harvard University)...

Cops Love Suffocating People to Death

It's why they become cops in the first place. So they can murder people and get away with it. Like the Golden State Killer. Here the NYT counts 70 people suffocated to death by the cops in the last 10 years. Yes, more than half of them black. And almost all of them...

News Roundup 5/28/20

News Roundup 5/28/20

US news Trump will sign an executive order on social media soon. [Link] Shippers and insurers say it may be impossible to comply with the Trump administration's new guidance on how not to violate US sanctions. [Link] Secretary of State Pompeo announces that Hong Kong...

David Stockman: Off The Charts!

From the Contracorner (paywall): It took 213 years and 43 presidents—-from George Washington to Dubya Bush—- to generate the first $6 trillion of public debt. Now a mad man in the Oval Office and a herd of Capitol Hill larcenists will be doing it in just 700 days....



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