
My Train Trip to Communist Hell

Via the FFF: Millennials like Communism?!? I was vaccinated against it when I traveled to Romania, dodging secret agent hookers, surly clerks, and gullible guards with machine guns. Here’s the latest podcast – https://youtu.be/6UtRq4qaOio

Wonderful News: George Bush is Dead

No, not W., unfortunately. But his horrible, murderous father, George H. W. Bush, is now finally dead like all those people he killed. As he deserves to be. Too bad Hell isn't real. That would be hilarious to think that Bush was forever trapped in a burning cell. At...

Another Afghan Tragedy

Young kiddos pick up an undetonated bomb. Some die. The rest are permanently maimed. Why is it that no one cares? I mean I know partisanship. And the war party will just say that's why we have to stay and win. But there are 300,000,000 people in this society -- where...

The Big Climbdown

How in the hell can anyone be a Democrat? It seems like they all must have such a headache all the time. I would. Anyway, wowee, look here, Clapper and Morell furiously backpedaling from their Trump-Putin conspiracy quackery. Man, and I thought the leadership of the...

Bad News

According to Andrea Mitchell Greenspan, Trump is going to put neoconservative kingpin and Podhoretz son-in-law Elliot Abrams in the top deputy spot at the State Department. That is not good. Not good at all.

The Bombshell Doug Band Memo

Via JustPhil, Cenk Uygur does a great job of breaking down the important "Doug Band Memo" detaling Clintons' corrupt foundation here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApcqXijVzYU One of many great Zerohedge articles about it here.



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