
News Roundup 2/14/17

Trump says he no longer plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. [Link] Steve Mnuchin has been confirmed as Treasury Secretary. The vote to confirm Mnuchin was 53-47. [Link] General Micheal Flynn resigns are National Security Advisor. Flynn's resignation...

Want Crime to Go Down? Abolish the Local Police

Want Crime to Go Down? Abolish the Local Police

Bunker Hill, Indiana, is a village of 900 people. It has not been consumed by the maelstrom of criminal violence that – we are told – would descend on any community even briefly deprived of the divine protection offered by a police department. The village obviously...

News Roundup 12/16/16

Trump nominates Montana Rep Ryan Zinke to head the Department of the Interior. Zinke is a strong supporter of coal. [Link] Facebook is partnering with Snopes and ABC to identify, mark, and demote fake news stories. [Link] Twitter blocks government spy centers from...

The Coming Economic Fascism

The recent efforts by President-elect Donald Trump and Vice-President-elect Mike Pence against Carrier Corp. provide us with a signpost of the economic fascism that lies ahead after both men take office. Whatever might be said about economic fascism, one thing is for...

News Roundup 11/29/16

North Dakota pipeline protesters are suing the police for injuries they have received during the protests and violation of their rights by police. [Link] General Flynn believes that Iran is the center of a global anti-American alliance. Flynn also believes that the...



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