
News Roundup 5/9/2022

News Roundup 5/9/2022

US News Biden is willing to increase the military budget beyond $813 billion. [Link] Biden called on Congress to divide funding bills for Ukraine and Covid relief. [Link] The US extradites the third man for alleged involvement in the assassination of former Haitian...

Capitalism Puts the Poor First

Capitalism Puts the Poor First

The socialist left says the evidence capitalism oppresses the poor is that free markets relocate factories to the poorest nations in order to pay the lowest wages. And when wage rates rise in poor nations like South Korea and Japan, they move their factories over to...

News Roundup 12/15/2021

News Roundup 12/15/2021

US News The LAPD worked with the Polish company Edge NPD during the George Floyd protests to monitor social media posts supporting “defund the police” and Black Lives Matter. [Link] Amtrak suspends its vaccine mandate to avoid service cuts. Less than five percent of...



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