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More Afghan Bounties Garbage

They admit they have no proof right in the big scary headlines: US intelligence indicates Iran paid bounties to Taliban for targeting American troops in Afghanistan Iran paid bounties for targeting US troops, intelligence reportedly suggests Since when do the Haqqanis...

No One Has Ever Voted Their Way to Liberty

It’s amazing how many humans believe that they are so much more evolved than animals. We look upon traps that are laid for seemingly intelligent creatures and shake our heads at how they can fall for them. When will they learn?! These are the same people that fall...

America’s Hobbesian Tyranny

America’s Hobbesian Tyranny

Almost 400 years ago, English philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote a book scoffing at tyrannophobia—the “fear of being strongly governed.” This was a peculiar term that Hobbes invented in Leviathan, since civilized nations had feared tyrants for almost 2000 years at that...



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