
Now They Figure It Out…

Too little and too late and once the smaller companies get Pentagon contracts, they will be destroyed in the Pentagon's Soviet acquisition system. “While the Armament Directorate remains committed to our highly-capable legacy products, we have become convinced that...

RIP, British Army 1415 – 2024

John Cleese and the Monty Python troop were seers in the 1970s. I am fond of saying the British win all their military victories in spite of their best efforts. The IED virus is destroying the institution. The British Army is reducing security checks in pursuit of...

Genuine Conservatism Opposes War

Genuine Conservatism Opposes War [W]ar is simply a euphemism for theft-funded mass murder, a blatant crime that we would never dismiss if non-government actors were to engage in it. What if justice required us not to have double standards? This book seeks to dispel the...

My Body My Choice: Abolish the FDA

My Body My Choice: Abolish the FDA

  If you visit you will find a section titled "products we regulate". Such products include: food, drugs, medical devices, tobacco, cosmetics, and vaccines. The word "regulate" in this case translates to "we have a legal monopoly on what consenting adults...

The Greatest Karl Marx Quote Ever

The Greatest Karl Marx Quote Ever

  The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together. Subjection of Nature's forces to man, machinery, application of chemistry to industry and...



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