
Joe Biden is Such a Liar

He lies about everything. This time it's his uncle Ambrose who was lost at sea during WWII. Genocide Joe lies that he was eaten by cannibals, smearing the people of Papua New Guinea, who fought as America's allies in that war.

No, I disagree.

No, Sheldon. Only liars would pretend to not understand what the man meant so they can lie that they're offended. The same people who bathe in the blood of innocent babies. Screw them.

Cops Almost Kill Kid

Get this: a 13-year-old autistic kid is having a temper tantrum, so what does his mother do? She calls the Nazi Gestapo Stormtroopers of Death to take care of it for her. So they show up and one of them shoots the kid "several" times in the back for running away. For...



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