We've Got Matching Funds!

A very generous donor has pledged to match the next $10,000 in donations. Double the impact of your donation and Support the Libertarian Institute Today!

$13,747 of $60,000 raised


Boomer-Hawk Converted

DZ writes: Mr. Horton, Couldn't track down an email for you, so Twitter will be my ham-fisted attempt at communicating. It is with the utmost respect and equal measure of delight that I contact you. In the last week I have moved to a new state and during those...



I'm doing two events this Saturday: WRMEA and IRmep's End Support for Apartheid Israel Conference at 1:00 PM Eastern and a speech to the Washington LP later that afternoon in Seattle with Peter R. Quinones, Matt Kibbe, Angela McArdle and others.

Cop Kills Man

Father of tiny helpless children gets in a car wreck, calls 911, cop murders him to death so now he can never be there to protect his family. Cop wins "Officer of the Year" award.



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