National Security State

NYT: The Deep State is Awesome!

The Times informs us that the "Deep State" is not the national security state's permanent network of military officers, CIA spies, FBI perjurers, and their millions of consultants and contractors and check-cashers. No, it's all government employees of any rank in any...

Excellent Greenwald Interview on Fox News!

He kills it on the lawless national security state, namely NSA blackmail of Congress and the DoJ's merciless persecution of Julian Assange, along with Assange's father and brother.

3/19/19 Gareth Porter on War with Iran

Scott talks to Gareth Porter about war with Iran. Porter is still convinced most people realize that such a war would be so costly in lives and dollars that it's not even worth considering, but worries about National Security Advisor John Bolton, who has been able to...



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