nuclear program

More Interviews of Me

The Roots of the War on Terror - Tom Woods The Iraq Fiasco Revisited - Tom Woods Backgrounder on Syria, and Why the US Should Stay Out - Tom Woods War All the Time: The Perpetual War on Terror - Tom Woods The Truth About the Iran Nuclear Program - Tom Woods Further...

Tom Woods’ Show

The great Tom Woods had me on for another Scott Horton Week on his show to talk about the new book. War's Roots Iraq War II Syria War All the Time Iran's nuclear program

Missed Opportunity in Hanoi

Missed Opportunity in Hanoi

On FPF #318, I break down what happened between Trump and Kim in Hanoi. The meeting ended without an agreement. However, Kim likely offered Trump a deal to shut down parts of North Korea's nuclear program in exchange for civilian sanctions relief. Jeffery Lewis argues...



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