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By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

Amazing that American Christians prostrate themselves before the degenerate scum that run the state of Israel because some other men and women tell them that God wants them to. Have some self-respect for Christ's sake....

Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Virtue signaling—the practice of highlighting what one takes to be one’s own moral superiority, often by loudly denouncing the character and comportment, including the speech, of other people—has become a dominant mode of rhetoric throughout social media and network...

Cops Kill Man

Well he ran out of gas so they electro-shock tortured him to death. Because it was government employees who did it, it is therefore "reasonable." You have no rights they are bound to respect.

Cop Kills Cop

And gets away with it of course because not even government employees have any rights that another government employee is bound to respect. And you wonder why BLM and the Boogaloo boys raise their fists together half the time: the government is evil.

How Many Times Must It Be Brought Up?

The police are not there to protect you. The courts have ruled on this over and over again. Castle Rock v Gonzalez Lozito v NYC (Interview with Mr Lozito here) Warren v District of Columbia The discussion that continues by the pundits, even "respectable" ones, fails...



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