
Iran Attack Liveblog (PHOTOS/VIDEOS)

My live coverage of Iran's missile and drone attack on Israel Saturday night, as it happened. Obviously much of this information has either been confirmed, disproven or become obsolete by now, but the thread is full of interesting details that didn't make it into my...


One of the terrorist-murderers captured in Moscow claimed that he was paid the equivalent of US$5400 to kill innocent people. In his native Tajikstan that is no doubt a lot of money. His willingness to kill for money is not new, the mercenary trade is one steeped in...

What Is ‘Extremism’?

What Is ‘Extremism’?

Amidst protests in the United Kingdom that have been going on since October 7, there have been multiple allegations of extemists among the protestors intimidating, harassing, and scaring innocent people who are not involved in the demonstrations. It seems that even...



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