New California wealth tax proposal raises taxes on total net worth of wealthy California residences. But, what if they decide to leave the State? No problem. Economic impacts: Will ultra-wealthy CA residents leave the state? As mentioned above, the California share of...
California Govt Shuts Off Power in Middle of Heat Wave
by Scott Horton | Aug 15, 2020 | Blog
As Jacob Hornberger says, only the government complains about having too many customers. In the most modern province of the most wealthy and powerful nation in the world, they can't even keep the f#%^&ng lights on and AC running in the summertime. What a...
The State Is All About Double Standards
by Peter R. Quiñones | Aug 7, 2020 | Blog
There are some subjects that must be discussed multiple times until people fully grasp them. The subject of the “double standard” when it comes to State actors and their actions is one that I think about every day. On the right of the meme is a list of actions that...
Too Little, Too Late: Trump Makes Doug Macgregor an Ambassador
by Kyle Anzalone | Jul 29, 2020 | Conflicts of Interest
On FPF #524, I discuss Trump's announcement to make retired Col. Douglas Macgregor the US Ambassador to Germany. Macgregor has been a long time advocate for foreign policy restraint. His name has been floated for prominent positions in the administration for years....
Donald Trump on Ghislaine Maxwell: ‘I Wish Her Well’
by Scott Horton | Jul 22, 2020 | Blog
"I just wish her well, frankly. I've met her numerous times over the years... I just wish her well, whatever it is." Anyone else? Anyone else wish Ghislaine Maxwell "well"? I don't. I think that if only bad things happen to her from now on that would be just fine....
As Much As They Might Want To, They Just Can’t Steal Their Way To Paradise
by Steven Woskow | Jul 20, 2020 | Blog
Jeff Snider at Real Clear Markets makes the case for capitalism Capitalism sure is messy, unpredictable, and, most of all, lumpy. It doesn’t go in a straight line, can cause tremendous stress and pain, and there are times when it gets caught up, for prolonged periods,...
U.S. Navy is a Joke
by Scott Horton | Jul 15, 2020 | Blog
Their obsolete-before-they're-even-made new aircraft carriers don't work worth a damn. Meanwhile the carrier reduced to slag in San Diego was meant to host the marines' F-35, whose vertical takeoff mode burns holes right through the decks of other carriers. Don't...
Commissar Weiss Quits the Times
by Scott Horton | Jul 15, 2020 | Blog
Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton remind us that Bari Weiss made her entire career trying to silence Palestinians and those who care about them. However, they suspect that she only quit to drum up publicity for her next big project which will surely be about how the only...
Anyone Can Be a Capitalist, part 1
"[A]ny man can be a capitalist if only he wants to be. He can derive his funds solely from the fruits of previous capitalist investment or from past 'hoarded' cash balances or solely from his income as a laborer or a landowner. He can, of course, derive his funds from...
Billion Dollar Disasters Continue to Steam Ahead
Word. The Zumwalt-class destroyer will never be the battleship of the twenty-first century. It’s the U.S. Navy’s version of the Russian Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier. Yet another multi-billion dollar failure. Yet, the instant that the Zumwalt-class appears to...
Martial Law in South Korea & Ukraine’s No-Fly Zone: New Episode of the Kyle Anzalone Show
Are we witnessing the dawn of a new geopolitical crisis in Asia? As South Korea's President Yoon Suk-yeol declares martial law over perceived threats from the North, the region teeters on the edge of upheaval. This episode of the Kyle Angelo show dives into the...
Crash Chronicles: Fat Amy Continues the Cringe
One billion dollars for twisted metal for ten F35 crashes, soon you're talking real money. The incident rate with respect the US Air Force (USAF) has continued to decline since the 1950s as safety practices have increased and technology has matured. During the 1950s,...
The Royal Navy Shrinks to Insignificance
A crashed RN F35 on the seafloor.* My readers knew all of this already; the Royal Navy will not be mission effective as a blue water navy after 2030 and the era of aircraft carriers is over. Eight billion dollars for future fish apartments. Eight billion dollars. Kit...
Becoming the French Bulldog
I could hear it, the snarling struggle to live as deformed nostrils fought for each breath. A snarl of liquid flesh flapping about, then a mild grow. Such a process just for an intake of air. The weather was not too hot though it’s tongue dragged from it’s mouth....
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