Tulsi Gabbard

Horton’s Law Corollary And Tulsi Gabbard

Horton's law says that whatever a politician is good on will never happen.  Whatever they're bad on, you can bet on it being implemented. A corollary I'm proposing is that candidates who lead on their good issues can never win.  Tulsi Gabbard has good and bad issues,...

Secret Nuke Deal with Saudi?

Secret Nuke Deal with Saudi?

On FPF #330, I discuss Secretary of Energy Rick Perry signing at least six secret agreements with Saudi to allow American companies to sell the kingdom nuclear technology. Saudi Arabia has rejected buying a civilian nuclear program with safeguards to limit the ability...

News Roundup 2/13/19

US News Caitlin Johnstone on the slander from left wing war hawks at Tulsi Gabbard. [Link] US prosecutors and the legacy media falsely claimed Maria Butina was a Russian spy. [Link] Several Senate Republicans are upset with Trump’s over his decision about the...

TV Hairdos Know Nothing About the Wars They Monger

Look at this NBC kook, Kasie Hunt, treating Tulsi Gabbard like Jane Fonda on an anti-aircraft gun for meeting with Bashar al Assad, based on her complete misunderstanding that the U.S. army and marines are fighting against his government there. J'accuse! (Wait, can...



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