Kalmen Barkin is back for an update on Israeli politics. Naftali Bennett has just taken over as Israel's prime minister, following Benjamin Netanyahu's failure to successfully form a coalition government. Bennett, explains Barkin, is quite far on the right, yet he and...
War state
6/4/21 Annelle Sheline on Washington’s Fatal Misunderstanding of the Situation in Yemen
by Scott Horton | Jun 6, 2021 | The Scott Horton Show
Scott interviews Annelle Sheline about her work on the war in Yemen. Sheline says that negotiating an end to the war has proven difficult, since both the UN framework and the U.S.-Saudi mentality is totally inconsistent with the situation on the ground. Neither will...
5/28/21 Tom Woods on the Revitalization of the Libertarian Movement
by Scott Horton | May 30, 2021 | The Scott Horton Show
Scott talks to the great Tom Woods about the latest happenings in Libertarian Party politics. Scott, Tom and many other committed libertarian activists have decided to join the LP recently in an effort to re-energize the movement and spread the principles of liberty....
5/20/21 Jeremy Hammond on the Deliberate Perpetuation of Strife Between Israel and Palestine
by Scott Horton | May 24, 2021 | The Scott Horton Show
Scott interviews Jeremy Hammond about the real history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, focusing on the fact that, counter to the mainstream narrative, Israel has encouraged the rise of Hamas all along as a useful foil. Israel, Hammond explains, has never wanted a...
5/20/21 Kalmen Barkin on Israel’s Fraught Past and Uncertain Political Future
by Scott Horton | May 21, 2021 | The Scott Horton Show
Kalmen Barkin is back for an update on Israeli politics. In the last two weeks, Knesset opposition leader Yair Lapid got the opportunity to form a coalition government, and possibly oust Prime Minister Netanyahu for the first time since 2009. But just afterward, as...
5/20/21 Eric Brakey and Reed Cooley on State Nullification and the Defend the Guard Movement
by Scott Horton | May 21, 2021 | The Scott Horton Show
Eric Brakey, former state senator from Maine and current spokesman for Young Americans for Liberty, talks about the efforts to get Defend the Guard bills into state legislatures. The Defend the Guard movement is an attempt to force congress to uphold its role in...
5/20/21 Gareth Porter on the Increasing Power Shift Toward Hard-Liners in Iran
by Scott Horton | May 20, 2021 | The Scott Horton Show
Scott talks to Gareth Porter about the national political scene in Iran, where, in large part thanks to U.S. intervention, the population is increasingly aligning behind the most conservative forces, and moving away from President Rouhani. Iranians, Porter says, have...
5/13/21 Mike Swanson on the Post-Covid Economic ‘Recovery’
by Scott Horton | May 17, 2021 | The Scott Horton Show
Mike Swanson gives his take on what's in store for the U.S. economy as the covid restrictions begin to lift. Although the early economic recovery isn't looking as rosy as some predicted, many businesses do seem to be getting back to normal as the pandemic subsides....
Free Trade Facts Don’t Matter to Democrats or Republicans
Both parties tend to ignore facts about the benefits of free trade because both parties oppose free trade.
The Government Had to Bankrupt Spirit Airlines to Save It
The US government is very good at destroying things on the pretense that its actions are required to save the things destroyed.
Paul Krugman: The Dollar Can’t Collapse! Unless…
The scenarios under which Krugman says the dollar could collapse are not hypothetical. They are already here.
Taking It for Granted
"Capitalism, says Marx, unthinkingly repeating the fables of the eulogists of the Middle Ages, has an inevitable tendency to impoverish the workers more and more. The truth is that capitalism has poured a horn of plenty upon the masses of wage earners who frequently...
Taliban is Still on the Western Dole
However, the Taliban is the group handing out NGO licenses in Afghanistan. If a Taliban sympathizer asks for an NGO license, they get it. So, many of these groups send money directly to the Taliban or to support the families of suicide bombers. Legend also said...
The Miracle of Mass Production
"The fact that my fellow man wants to acquire shoes as I do, does not make it harder for me to get shoes, but easier." —Ludwig von Mises, Human Action
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