There’s no better organization or group of people to support than the Libertarian Institute - Dave Smith

Great news, matching funds has been extended. A very generous donor has pledged an additional $15,000 in matching funds.

Double the impact of your donation and Support the Libertarian Institute Today!

$31,247 of $60,000 raised

Will Grigg

RIP Will Grigg

Will Grigg, full name William Norman Grigg, passed away today after a series of hospitalizations. He was much too young to leave us. Will was a dedicated voice for liberty, and a prolific writer and blogger on the subjects of police misconduct and police...

William Norman Grigg, RIP

I have just received the very sad news that our good friend and freedom-fighter Will Grigg, has passed away. He was 54. Will was a long-time activist and writer against war and state power. He had recently co-founded The Libertarian Institute with Scott Horton and...

Help Support Will Grigg

The great champion of liberty, anti-police state writer and orator, William N. Grigg, our hero, our friend, our colleague, needs our help. Will is recovering from a sudden and serious medical crisis. His hospitalization and recovery will be costly. The Grigg family...

Will Grigg is Sick

Our hero Will Grigg has been hospitalized. Word is that he is stable and will probably be okay, but he is in the ICU. I will update this post when I find out more. Update: Word is that Will will be moved from ICU today, Sunday, but is still in bad shape. Update II:...



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