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“Contempt of Cop”
by Will Grigg
Monday, September 21, 2009 “Contempt of Cop” (Click to enlarge)(Please note corrections below.)”The police are to the government as the edge is to the knife,” insists sociologist David Bayley, who apparently couldn’t explain why the typical tax-feeder isn’t the sharpest blade in the cutlery drawer.One suitable example is the specimen who ruined what was an […]
A Lighter Damnation: “Clemency” for Veronica Rodriguez and Daryl Buck
by Will Grigg
Monday, September 28, 2009 A Lighter Damnation: “Clemency” for Veronica Rodriguez and Daryl Buck Out of prison, but still not free: Putative sex criminal Veronica Rodriguez, who served a year behind bars for hugging a 13-year-old boy. In the 1984 HBO movie “Sakharov,” the eponymous Soviet physicist and human rights campaigner is seen addressing a […]
Martial Law Is Their Business, And Business Sure Is Swell (SPECIAL UPDATE, 10/2)
by Will Grigg
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Martial Law Is Their Business, And Business Sure Is Swell (SPECIAL UPDATE, 10/2) The “dream” realized: The Two Rivers Detention Facility, the proudest achievement of Hardin, Montana’s political class. Sure, it’s empty now, but I’m sure those nice men in the black SUVs can do something about that…. UPDATE, October 2Hardin, […]
Have a Nice Apocalypse!
by Will Grigg
Thursday, October 8, 2009 Have a Nice Apocalypse! Detroit, Riot City: In scenes better suited to a Third World country (above, and below right), tens of thousands of desperate people assemble outside Detroit’s Cobo Center in the hope of receiving $3,500 emergency welfare aid disbursements. Unemployment in Detroit is nearly 29 percent.An individual in the […]
Support Your Global Police?
by Will Grigg
Monday, October 12, 2009 Support Your Global Police? Oh, joy: The UN wants to build a global police force. It’s really difficult to think of a worse idea. When last we checked in with Ronald K. Noble, he was enjoying a lucrative career as a reward for helping cover up a crime against humanity in […]
How “Justice” Operates Under A Criminal Regime
by Will Grigg
Saturday, October 17, 2009 How “Justice” Operates Under A Criminal Regime Thieves for their robbery have authority when judges steal themselves. –Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act II, scene 2It’s time to play that time-honored children’s game, “One of These Things is Not Like the Others.” In this case we’re going to examine three case histories […]
The Hardin Saga: Waiting for the Punchline
by Will Grigg
Sunday, October 4, 2009 The Hardin Saga: Waiting for the Punchline (All Hardin photos by Scott Watson, except where noted.)A lovely town, a nasty predicament: Thanks to the less-than-visionary “leadership” of its municipal government, the friendly residents of the beautiful town of Hardin, Montana are burdened with $27 million in debt for a huge, empty […]
Interlude: A Merry Depression Sing-Along (Updated, 10/20)
by Will Grigg
Sunday, October 18, 2009 Interlude: A Merry Depression Sing-Along (Updated, 10/20) The Last “Worst Hard Time”: Rural farms in the Great Plains come under assault by a dust storm. The economic clouds gathering over our heads are pregnant with even greater devastation — so, hey, how about a nice little musical interlude to cheer us […]
End the Occupation: A Mission for the Oath-Keepers
by Will Grigg
Friday, October 23, 2009 End the Occupation: A Mission for the Oath-Keepers One Nation, under Occupation: Police departments nation-wide are acting as if this were a conquered country, and as if citizens were “enemy combatants.”A thin blanket of early evening darkness had draped itself across Alex Locklear’s home in Maxton, North Carolina when the armed […]
Obama and the “Predator Left”
by Will Grigg
Thursday, October 29, 2009 Obama and the “Predator Left” Dear Leader: The 2009 version.Many ancient societies were ruled by a figure regarded as a divine emperor-king, a transcendent figure whose goodness and power not only protected his subjects from harm, but also made the rains descend, the fields fertile, and the kingdom prosperous.Modern Americans are […]
Blood On Their Hands
by Will Grigg
Monday, November 2, 2009 Blood On Their Hands The federal “hate crimes” measure recently signed into “law” by Barack Obama will do nothing to protect innocent people from criminal violence. But thanks to the cynical pressure group politics that led to passage of that measure, thousands of innocent people will certainly die. Working with its […]
Why The Innocent Flee From The Police
by Will Grigg
Thursday, November 5, 2009 Why The Innocent Flee From The Police “Why did he run?” This question thrusts itself upon us every time an unarmed or otherwise harmless person is gunned down while fleeing from police.Often that inquiry takes the form that assumes the guilt of the victim: “If he did nothing wrong, why did […]
Get Your Kids Fit For Slaughter!
by Will Grigg
Thursday, November 12, 2009 Get Your Kids Fit For Slaughter! Although ancient Sparta was not without its virtues — among them courage, loyalty, and discipline — it wasn’t a free society in any sense. It was said that Sparta was always either at war or preparing for war, and those preparations began at the earliest […]
Leviathan’s Orphans
by Will Grigg
Monday, November 16, 2009 Leviathan’s Orphans A mother first: Alexis Hutchinson with her 11-month-old son Kamani (left); below, Kamani with his grandmother, Angelique Hughes. (Oakland Tribune photos.)Her son needs her at home. The Empire demands her services in its war on Afghanistan. Since nobody is able to provide the child with a suitable home while […]
Brotherhood of Plunder: Snapshots of America’s Criminal Oligarchy
by Will Grigg
Thursday, November 19, 2009 Brotherhood of Plunder: Snapshots of America’s Criminal Oligarchy “Twisted sense of entitlement”: Police extortionist David M. Cohen (left), and his accessory, former Chief Manuel Cachopa (below, right). David Cohen, a nebbishy, balding fellow from Stoughton, Massachusetts, seemed poorly cast as a loan shark. Unlike Chili Palmer, the mob debt collector created […]
Judicial Terrorism: The State vs. Robert and Danille Kahre
by Will Grigg
Saturday, November 28, 2009 Judicial Terrorism: The State vs. Robert and Danille Kahre Judicial tyrants, now as then: U.S. Federal Judge David Erza (left); German National Socialist Judge Roland Freisler (below, right). Any resemblance to the legendary gangsta accountant Herbert Kornfeld (further below, right) is … somehow oddly appropriate. German dissidents Hans and Sophie Scholl […]
A Crime of Cowardice: The Unjust Imprisonment of Scott Molen
by Will Grigg
Monday, August 17, 2009 A Crime of Cowardice: The Unjust Imprisonment of Scott Molen When he was a free man: Scott Molen (right) enjoys a snowboarding trip with a friend. Molen is presently serving a prison sentence for a crime he didn’t commit — a fact acknowledged by one of the people responsible for putting […]
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
by Will Grigg
Thursday, August 27, 2009 How I Spent My Summer Vacation UPDATE –I’m grateful beyond expression for the kindness and generosity shown by so many of you; this is among my largest blessings. Unfortunately, it looks very much like I’m headed back to the hospital. I earnestly hope this isn’t the case, but right now it […]
Child-Snatchers and Life-Stealers, Pt. II: Protecting the Guilty and Powerful
by Will Grigg
Thursday, July 30, 2009 Child-Snatchers and Life-Stealers, Pt. II: Protecting the Guilty and Powerful Under the rule of District Attorney Ed Jagels, Kern County, California became ground zero for the child abuse hysteria that raged across America for most of the 1980s. Utterly ruthless in pursuing convictions and entirely indifferent to the truth, Jagels recruited […]
by Will Grigg
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Hotlined The center of our universe (from upper left): Isaiah Athanasius, William Wallace, Katrina Antigone, Sophia Faith, and Jefferson Leonidas. “Grab some clothes and get into the van, now.”For an instant, that directive, and the tone in which it was issued, had the opposite of its intended effect: Korrin and our […]