It’s Summer Fundraising Time!

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$10,390 of $60,000 raised


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Romney: Official Candidate of the War and Torture Party?

Romney: Official Candidate of the War and Torture Party? Mitt Romney (right) stands with George W. Bush and International Olympic Chairman Jacques Rogge at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. “Paris is well worth a mass,” insisted Henry of Navarre as he underwent a politically motivated conversion to Catholicism that secured his throne […]

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One Small Victory Over Leviathan

One Small Victory Over Leviathan The son of an FBI agent, Richard Mack attended the Bureau’s training academy and aspired to become a G-Man himself. When that career didn’t materialize, he ended up in Provo, Utah, the community made famous (after a fashion) in Fletch. It was the early 1980s; hair was big, ties were […]

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Private Vices, Public Crimes

Private Vices, Public Crimes Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property.Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, […]

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10,000 Ways To Die

10,000 Ways To Die “It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo […]

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The Reign of the Bullies (IMPORTANT UPDATE; see bottom of page)

The Reign of the Bullies (IMPORTANT UPDATE; see bottom of page) Kevin Bearly became a Los Angeles policeman for an eminently commendable reason: An idealistic young man with a deep streak of Irish pugnacity, Kevin couldn’t countenance lawless bullies, and during his years on the LAPD he dealt with more than a few of them.A […]

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Biden Gives His Blessing to Derek Hale’s Murderers

Biden Gives His Blessing to Derek Hale’s Murderers Sgt. Derek Hale, in Iraq serving the Regime that would later murder him. Delaware’s Attorney General is Beau Biden, who issued from the loins of Senator Joseph Biden — serial plagiarist and democratic presidential aspirant. Beau Biden’s office is presently defending the ten-man police squad that murdered […]

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Derek Hale’s Murderer Is Back On The Streets

Derek Hale’s Murderer Is Back On The Streets Lt. William Browne of the Wilmington, Delaware Police “did not violate police department policy or procedures” when he gunned down Derek Hale (left, in Iraq with a Marine buddy) on the front porch of a friend’s house last November 6. This was the long-anticipated and utterly predictable […]

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How I Spent My Sommerferien

How I Spent My Sommerferien Liebe Mutter und Vater: This summer vacation has been the best ever! I’m so grateful to the local branch of the Heimatsicherheitsdienst for letting me attend the Junior Police Academy.Things are looking pretty tough for the economy, and I’m sure that by the time I graduate from High School jobs […]

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Praying for a Terrorist Strike: The GOP’s Newest Political Strategy

Praying for a Terrorist Strike: The GOP’s Newest Political Strategy Nuclear terrorism: If it happens, it will be an answer to Republican prayers.Former Republican Senator Rick Santorum made the grand crusade against “Islamic fascism” the central focus of his unsuccessful 2006 re-election effort. On numerous occasions the preening Keystone State solon – who couldn’t glance […]

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Praetorian “Conservatism”

Praetorian “Conservatism” “I took an oath to the president, and I take that oath very seriously.”This declaration was offered as a pious summation civic duty by former White House Political Director Sara Taylor. She stated this without irony or self-awareness. Clearly, she was someone who had been immersed in a culture of fuhrerprinzip, in which […]

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Briefly Considered: A “Weimar Moment” Approaches

Briefly Considered: A “Weimar Moment” Approaches “We are in danger of having … a Weimar moment in our politics. German politics was embittered disastrously by the belief that they were on the cusp of victory in 1918 and were stabbed in the back by the civilian leadership that didn’t understand Germany’s military prowess. There is […]

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The Bubble Collapses, The Police State Expands (Quick Update)

The Bubble Collapses, The Police State Expands (Quick Update) I want to thank Jerri Lynn Ward for inviting me on her program “I Object! Justice Examined” to discuss (along with Dr. Herb Titus) the right to keep and bear arms. Those interested in listening can hear the program on Right Talk radio; click on Miss […]

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The Reich Wing: Bush-Era Conservatism as Reductio Ad Absurdum

The Reich Wing: Bush-Era Conservatism as Reductio Ad Absurdum As the Iraq war ripens into the largest strategic catastrophe in our nation’s history, dead-enders among the Bu’ushist faithful confront a sobering question. No, that question is not how to extricate our nation from the Mesopotamian morass, but rather how to deal with internal dissent.It’s really […]

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Your Next “Landlord” Will Speak Chinese

Your Next “Landlord” Will Speak Chinese Meet your future landlord: Thanks to the Federal Reserve and our own profligacy, Washington is looking to China to bail out the distressed mortgage industry. It takes a mind better attuned than mine to the arcane science of high finance to understand why the Dow briefly crested 14,000 today […]

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Your Kids as Collateral: The Coming Blood-for-Debt Swap

Your Kids as Collateral: The Coming Blood-for-Debt Swap Feeding Molech: How it was done in ancient Israel (above), and how it is done today (below). To the surprise of no sentient being, our rulers have been deceiving us regarding their plans for the restive Mesopotamian province of their empire.General Petraeus, the military messiah du jour, […]

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Planet of the Pig-Men

Planet of the Pig-Men “[Rowan] Gaither was, at that time, President of the Ford Foundation. Mr. Gaither had sent for me when I found it convenient to be in New York, asked me to call upon him at his office, which I did. On arrival, after a few amenities, Mr. Gaither said, `Mr. Dodd, we […]

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Talk Radio Bulimia and Fox News Reflux: A Case Study

Talk Radio Bulimia and Fox News Reflux: A Case Study Fox “News”: Fair…We wouldn’t be where we presently find ourselves — mired in a pointless foreign war, looking down the barrel of undisguised executive despotism, and teetering on the precipice of national insolvency — were it not for the capacity of Americans to believe passionately […]

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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