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The Romney Candidacy, or Will The Saints Go Marching In? (part 2)
by Will Grigg
The Romney Candidacy, or Will The Saints Go Marching In? (part 2) Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign has attracted predictable support from his fellow Mormons, including critical covert help from the upper echelons of the Mormon leadership in Salt Lake City. What is somewhat surprising is the help Romney is receiving from Evangelical Christians, who historically […]
Rented Thugs
by Will Grigg
Rented Thugs What stuck in the minds of these men who had become murderers was simply the notion of being involved in something historic, grandiose, unique (“a great task that occurs once in two thousand years”), which must therefore be difficult to bear. This was important, because the murderers were not sadists or killers by […]
There Go De Judge? Let’s Hope So
by Will Grigg
There Go De Judge? Let’s Hope So A little more than a week from now, if Jesus tarries* and Utah voters are wise, Judge Leslie Lewis will be out of a job. Utterly devoid of judicial temperament or corresponding intellectual endowments, Lewis, who has afflicted the state’s 3rd District Court for several years, has been […]
Jihadi, or “Jackass”? Either Way, the Joke’s On Us
by Will Grigg
Jihadi, or “Jackass”? Either Way, the Joke’s On Us What if Adam Gadahn, rather than engaging in treason or sedition, is simply involved in an elaborate “Jackass” stunt?Some people inclined to recreational self-destruction put leeches in their eyes, or commit self-lacerating acts of mayhem with heavy machinery. Perhaps Gadahn’s conversion to radical Islam, and his […]
“The Only Reason to Vote Republican” (revisited)
by Will Grigg
“The Only Reason to Vote Republican” (revisited) The following essay is a re-run, but a very timely one. It was originally published on July 9 in the “Birch Blog” on The New American’s website. Within hours of posting this essay, I received stern, disapproving messages from my superiors at JBS, complaining that the essay undermined […]
The “Disaster Capitalist” Nomenklatura
by Will Grigg
The “Disaster Capitalist” Nomenklatura Here’s a good and sufficient illustration of the fact that the economic system of the United State (as the wise and provocative Nicholas Strakon calls our regime)is not free market capitalism.According to recently published census data, Virginia’s Loudon County is the wealthiest jurisdiction in the country, with a median household income […]
Casualties of War
by Will Grigg
Casualties of War Collateral DamageLook at this picture, if you can stand to. Incredible as it may seem, Jade – the child in this photo, who suffers from what is described as a “mild” case of cerebral palsy – is five years old. She is not Iraqi or Lebanese, but she is just as much […]
The (Murder-)Suicide of the West
by Will Grigg
The (Murder-)Suicide of the West Last July, while Israel was reducing much of Lebanon’s infrastructure to rubble and bombing Christian neighborhoods into blood puddling during its most recent invasion, New York Post columnist John Podhoretz – the unsightly spawn of Trotskyite loins – opined that Israel’s problem was that it is simply “Too Nice to […]
The Conspiracy Theorists Are Plotting Against Us!
by Will Grigg
The Conspiracy Theorists Are Plotting Against Us! Jonah Goldberg has apparently broken with his self-described daily routine – eating bricks of microwaved cheddar cheese while watching women-in-prison softcore porn – to do a smattering of research into “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.” Goldberg’s latest syndicated column is a variation on a familiar trope — […]
Regime-Speak: Three Examples
by Will Grigg
Regime-Speak: Three Examples There are myriad ways in which the people who rule us, and those who shill and flack on their behalf, express their disdain for our intelligence. Perhaps the most common expressions of contempt are the gems of transparent hypocrisy or starkly obvious dishonesty that litter the public statements and writings of the […]
Will The Regime Murder Cory Maye?
by Will Grigg
Will The Regime Murder Cory Maye? Courtesy of the indefatigable (and Pulitzer-worthy) Radney Balko comes a useful glimpse into the inner life of a footsolider in the War on Drugs.Before sharing the insights of this public-minded paladin of justice, it’s necessary to sketch a brief portrait of that pillar of rectitude, and describe the role […]
Will The Regime Murder Cory Maye?
by Will Grigg
Will The Regime Murder Cory Maye? Courtesy of the indefatigable (and Pulitzer-worthy) Radney Balko comes a useful glimpse into the inner life of a footsolider in the War on Drugs.Before sharing the insights of this public-minded paladin of justice, it’s necessary to sketch a brief portrait of that pillar of rectitude, and describe the role […]
A Quick Note
by Will Grigg
A Quick Note Blogger — which is a wonderful service — appears to be having a fit of dyspepsia, which is why my post on the Cory Maye case looks, um, partially digested. As soon as things settle down, I’ll go back and tidy up the post. at 11:38 AM
Will The Regime Murder Cory Maye?
by Will Grigg
Will The Regime Murder Cory Maye? Courtesy of the indefatigable (and Pulitzer-worthy) Radney Balko comes a useful glimpse into the inner life of a footsolider in the War on Drugs.Before sharing the insights of this public-minded paladin of justice, it’s necessary to sketch a brief portrait of that pillar of rectitude, and describe the role […]
The Republicans: Just Plain Evil
by Will Grigg
The Republicans: Just Plain Evil KGB Headquarters Lubyanka Square; in the foreground is a statue of KGB founder Feliks Dzherzhinsky.At the risk of intruding into the one area in which Jonah Goldberg enjoys unchallenged expertise, I begin today with a reference to The Simpsons — specifically the episode entitled “Bart Gets an Elephant.”Through a series […]
The Grand Old (Torture) Party
by Will Grigg
The Grand Old (Torture) Party Politically conservative Mormons and Evangelical Christians are divided by serious disputes over doctrine, but presidential aspirant Mitt Romney has found a way to bridge that chasm: He stands “foursquare behind the president” regarding his supposed authority to order summary imprisonment and torture of anybody upon whom he chooses to visit […]
Abu Ghraib, U.S.A.
by Will Grigg
Abu Ghraib, U.S.A. Senator Joe Lieberman, who lost the Connecticut Democratic primary to Ned Lamont but is running for re-election as an Independent, was the beneficiary of a September 20 fund raising dinner in Florida organized by shopping mall magnate Mel Sembler, the former chief fund raiser for the Republican National Committee. Sembler is also […]
I Can’t Stand Bullies
by Will Grigg
I Can’t Stand Bullies Caveat lector: The following entry contains no discernible traces of actual journalism, even by the admittedly unexacting standards that generally prevail in this space. It shouldn’t be necessary to say so specifically, but the opinions expressed herein are mine alone, and I alone bear liability for them. And the most incendiary […]
Want to Fly? Then Don’t be Caught Praying
by Will Grigg
Want to Fly? Then Don’t be Caught Praying A few weeks ago, a young Canadian doctor named Ahmed Farooq was removed from a plane in Denver during a return trip from San Francisco to Winnipeg. A drunken lout, his head doubtless swimming with things he had “learned” from the likes of Bill O’Reilly, had become […]
Why Do Our Rulers Hate America?
by Will Grigg
Why Do Our Rulers Hate America? If you’re in a fight with a really nasty guy who’s attacked you without provocation, and your antagonist lands a solid punch, what is your reaction (assuming that you’re hurt without being incapacitated)?Do you:a) Let out a loud groan as the blow connects, falling to your knees while complaining […]