We should be so lucky to somehow know that the government has only wasted all the money they’ve stolen from us over the years, rather than doing something horrible to someone with it.
America’s completely insane and criminal income taxation system has one good loophole going for it: you can deduct donations to not-for-profit 501(c3) charitable institutions like The Libertarian Institute from your yearly round of extortion by the IRS.
The Institute is growing. We’ve got a great site with a great bunch of writers and podcast hosts. We’ve published four great books and are working on four more to be published in 2020 right now.
We also plan on hosting an event or two in the next year so we can get to know you all personally and get to growing our great movement for the new decade.
The Bush and Obama eras are long-gone now. Whether Trump is reelected or not, the turn of the 2020s is definitely a milestone and beginning of a whole new time period.
The Bush-Clinton centrist consensus is in smoking ruins. The left and the right are moving further toward socialism and nationalism.
Those of us who put freedom first have alot of work to do to show the American people that it is liberty which holds the key to our prosperity and continued peaceful future together.
At The Libertarian Institute we are working hard to set the best example we can for what libertarians care about, what we’re for and against, and what the truth is.
And we’d like to thank you for your support.
Scott Horton
Sheldon Richman
Pete Quinones
Kyle Anzalone
The Libertarian Institute