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The Worst Kind of Employee Imaginable

The Worst Kind of Employee Imaginable

This is one of those stories that sounds like fiction and totally made up. But it actually happened. Over a long period of time. The warning signs was flashing as red as they could, but complex internal work relationships kept the employee hired far longer than healthy. At the end of the story I’ll name the employee and even provide source material to read up on this fantastic saga, but I want the identity hidden as long as possible: It makes the meat and potatoes of the story taste even better. The company where this worst kind of employee imaginable used to work (yes, that was a spoiler)...

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Knife Crimes: Stories, Statistics, and Sweden

Knife Crimes: Stories, Statistics, and Sweden

As the #GunControlNow battle rages on online, between two camps that won’t listen or understand each other, and where both sides are throwing emotionally loaded words in each other’s virtual faces, I’d like to give a couple of cents on a different, but closely related issue: Knife crimes in Sweden. At an Ikea-store in the middle of Sweden, August 10, 2015, a mom and her son gets stabbed to death – Sending a shock wave through not only the city of Västerås where the deed was done but also on comment sections on social media. The weapon of choice for the murderer? A knife from the store. The...

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