A Houston man accused of trying to throw out a bag containing 16 grams of cocaine before a traffic stop was sentenced to 80 years in prison by a jury in Upshur County, Texas. It all started when Anwar Lamon Holmes, 46, was pulled over by a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper for throwing a beer can from his vehicle, cracking the windshield of another car. The driver with the broken windshield dialed 911, following Holmes until police arrived, according to the Upshur County District Attorney's Office's press release on November 14. As a Texas DPS trooper investigated the incident,...
BREAKING: Texas Border Patrol Agent Arrested in Serial Killer Case
Border patrol agent Juan "JD" Ortiz has been detained and arrested in connection with three murders in Laredo, Texas. Now, a fourth body of a female has been found just hours after Ortiz had been initially detained. "The community can rest assured they have the serial killer in custody," Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar said during an afternoon press conference. Ortiz, an Intel supervisor for the U.S. Border Patrol in Laredo and former marine, fled from authorities this morning at around 1:30 a.m. Authorities attempted to stop Ortiz after a female escaped his vehicle, called police and...