Freedom of Speech Is Faith in Humanity

Freedom of Speech Is Faith in Humanity

Elon Musk has completed a private acquisition of Twitter, promising to unshackle what’s supposed to be a free speech forum from the chains of progressive ruling-class censorship. This is a major victory for free expression—witness all the “wailing and gnashing of teeth” from the corrupt news media and political establishments. It’s important to remember there’s no shortage of temptations to ignore our First Amendment free expression rights and pervert the law into a billy club to banish disturbing speech. Indeed, ever more people demand we outlaw all “hate speech” and “disinformation” in the...

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Our Leaders’ Oppressive Moralism

Our Leaders’ Oppressive Moralism

As Deepak Chopra said, “God gave man the truth. Then the Devil came in and said, “Hey, let’s organize it and call it ‘religion’.” The bumper sticker version is more blunt: “Dear Lord, save me from your followers.” Yet there are secular (worldly) fanatics too. Because they lack a religious center, many have a spiritual or emotional hole crying to be filled. So as traditional religion declines, we see a marked rise in political activism, especially save-the-world groups concerning “climate change,” “equity,” and “social justice.” For many, their new religion is politics, their faith is their...

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