The Irony of Iran/Israel Tensions

The Irony of Iran/Israel Tensions

There’s a huge irony that during the 1980s, when Iran talked the most shit, Israel armed them.  However, later in the 1990s, when Iran’s rhetoric moderated, Israel pressured America to increase sanctions.  How & why did this irony come about?   Some say this irony can be placed on Iran for sabotaging the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians by arming extremist terrorist groups that objected to the Oslo agreements. However, how did this tension first begin?  What is the root cause of it?  Who is to blame for the modern conflict and failed peace talks with the...

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Saudi Arabia Oil Attack. What really happened?

Saudi Arabia Oil Attack. What really happened?

Saudi Arabia’s oil production facilities were attacked by drone strikes from an unknown attacker.  Yemen’s Houthi rebels claim to have done the strike, but some question this story.  American intelligence points the finger at Iran, while some suggest this is a false flag to purposefully incite war.  What is the truth?  Tune in to find out!

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Why Iran Hates Israel, if it’s NOT their land?!

Iran is a thousand miles away from Israel.  And unlike the Palestinians, Iran doesn’t claim Israeli land.   So why does Shiite Iran arm Sunni Palestinians, when their enemies are Sunni? The Palestinians are predominately Sunni Muslim, which is the Arab group that Iran is at war with!   If you are confused, then this episode is for you.  We’ll dive into the history of Israel arming Iran secretly during the Iran-Contra scandal.  And how that transitioned into modern relations. This is based on the book, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States...

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South Korea’s Internet Cenorship

South Korea’s Internet Cenorship

South Korea is one of the freest and most democratic countries in Asia and also one of the most connected and technologically advanced countries in the world. This country has been the example of an economic miracle. In a little over 50 years it transformed from being a very poor country to one of the richest countries. However, in this video we’re going to talk about the internet. South Korea has the most Internet access in the world. No less than 96% of all South Koreans have access to the internet. However, despite this, the NGO Freedom House, which creates an annual benchmark index on...

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