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The Truth About the Biden Tax Plan

The Truth About the Biden Tax Plan

Last Thursday the New York Times reported what should be obvious, but that eludes most in our midst: the rich pay the vast majority of taxes collected. By far. This is a statement of the obvious simply because the “vital few” drive all progress in all walks of life. Think the NBA before Bird, Magic and Jordan, think the PGA before Tiger Woods, think how the rare blockbuster film pays for all manner of small movies without guns, car crashes, and explosions. Stated simply, what’s great is a consequence of the giants on whose shoulders we stand. The very talented few pull us forward....

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Is the Fed Deadly, Life-Saving, or Just Useless?

To read (and agree with) Danielle DiMartino Booth's Fed Up is to believe that the Fed centrally plans nearly every economic outcome, and that the problem with our central bank today isn't its intervention in the economy as much as those in its employ are the wrong people to intervene in the natural workings of the marketplace. Advertised as yet another anti-Fed book, the real goal of the book is to make you believe it is the most indispensable institution in government today. If we ignore Booth's weak economic analysis, her overstating of the Fed's power by a mile, and her awe-inspiring...

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