Conflicts of Interest

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Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

News Roundup

News Roundup 4/25/19

Wikileaks Daniel Ellsberg on the importance of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning. [Link] Caitlin Johnstone debunks the myth that Julian Assange is an agent of Russia. [Link] Ryan McManken explains why it doesn’t matter if Assange is a ‘journalist’ or not....

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News Roundup 4/24/19

Assange Arrest Julian Assange has been prevented from meeting with his lawyer for 11 days. [Link] Alan MacLeod breaks down the establishment media's biased reaction to Julian Assange's arrest. The media made unfounded personal smears against Assange, declared he is...

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News Roundup 4/23/19

US News Peter Van Buren: Mueller Time is Finally Over The 4th Appeals Court denied Chelsea Manning bail. [Link] Tulsi Gabbard discusses her efforts to legalize marijuana. [Link] The Navy covered up the reason for the Cold War-era explosion on the USS Iowa that killed...

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News Roundup 4/22/19

Muller Report Analysis Jim Bovard reacts to the Mueller Report. [Link] Scott Horton’s notes on Mueller report. [Link] Aaron Mate and Jimmy Dore explain how the Mueller Report fails to prove the Russiagate conspiracy theory. Dore and Mate critique the media's coverage...

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News Roundup 4/19/19

US News Kevin Gosztola breaks down a December 2017 FBI affidavit on Julian Assange. Language in the affidavit suggested the FBI was looking at Assange for violating the Espionage Act. [Link] Tulsi Gabbard says Trump is turning the US into Saudi’s prostitute. [Link]...

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News Roundup 4/18/19

Assange Former UK Ambassador Craig Murray explains the judge in Julian Assange’s trial in the UK is biased against him. [Link] Ecuador claims to be the target of mass cyber attacks since Ecuador’s president revoked Assange’s asylum and turned him over to the UK....

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News Roundup 4/16/19

Assange Arrest Caitlin Johnstone explains how the attack on Julian Assange is an attack on journalism. [Link] Justin Raimondo argues Trump’s 'America First' platform did not include arresting Julian Assange. [Link] Patrick Cockburn explains the attacks on Julian...

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News Roundup 4/15/19

2020 Pete Buttigieg announces he is running for president. Currently, he is mayor of South Bend, Indiana. [Link] Tulsi Gabbard warns that Trump, Israel and Saudi Arabia are pushing the US into an unwise war with Iran. [Link] Assange Trevor Timm breaks down the...

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News Roundup 4/12/19

Assange Arrested The indictment of Julian Assange has been unsealed. He is charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. The charges are for the 2010 leak by Chelsea Manning. [Link] Trump says Wikileaks 'really isn’t his thing' and the Department of Justice...

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News Roundup 4/11/19

Assange Arrested London police have arrested Julian Assange. Ecuador withdrew his asylum. [Link] US News The Department of Defense has awarded $1 billion in contracts to two companies to build portions of the southern border wall. [Link] Attorney General Barr says he...

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News Roundup 4/10/19

US News California prisoners are suing over mice and maggots being on dining tables. [Link] A North Carolina man was arrested for keeping his pet fish in filthy conditions. [Link] Rachel Maddow still can’t get Russiagate right. [Link] The US and Lithuania sign a...

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News Roundup 4/9/19

US News California Rep Eric Swalwell announces a 2020 run. [Link] Secret Service head Rex Allen has been fired. James Murray will take over as head. [Link] A Navy vet and Wyoming state lawmaker calls on WY Rep Liz Cheney to disavow regime change. [Link] A district...

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