Conflicts of Interest

COI #179: Max Boot’s Ethnically Planned State

On COI #179, Kyle Anzalone refutes Max Boot’s recent Washington Post op-ed arguing against boycotting Israel. In the article, Boot admits that the reason we must reject BDS is that the movement calls for a “right of return” for Palestinian refugees. He admits that...

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Putin Says Trump Won’t Change US Foreign Policy

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not believe former President Donald Trump could end the war in Ukraine if he was reelected. Trump has slammed President Joe Biden for allowing the war in Ukraine to spiral out of control and promised to end the conflict within...

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Zelensky Blames West for Failed Counteroffensive

President Volodymyr Zelensky said his Western backers failed to supply Ukraine with weapons in a timely manner, allowing Russia to build up its defenses. The delay is responsible for Ukraine’s lack of progress during its three-month-long counteroffensive.  In an...

ukrainian president zelenskyy address on the war

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

News Roundup

News Roundup 4/24/2022

Russia Germany will replace Slovokian tanks and other weapons Slovakia is sending to Ukraine. [Link] A Polish official says his country has given Ukraine over $1.6 billion in weapons. [Link] The US is holding Ukraine defense talks next week. The US invited 40 nations...

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News Roundup 4/22/2022

US News Houston will require businesses to install cameras and make the footage available to police without a warrant. [Link] Russia A decreasing number of Americans believe the US should play a major role in the war in Ukraine. [Link] Turkey says some NATO members...

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News Roundup 4/20/2022

Russia-Ukraine Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen walked out of a G20 meeting once a Russian official started talking. [Link] The US imposed another round of sanctions on Russia. [Link] A delegation of Senators pressures Serbia to sanction Russia. [Link] Germany’s...

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