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Where ‘Liberal’ and ‘Conservative’ REALLY Come From

Where ‘Liberal’ and ‘Conservative’ REALLY Come From

If liberals are all heart and no brain and conservatives are all brain and no heart, how would you describe libertarians? How about, "Clearly libertarians are the perfect balance between the two." Here's why that's a pretty accurate assessment - - - Long before history was enabled by writing, like us, our pre-historic small-group ancestors lived primarily by their brains, not their brawn. Unlike other animals, they -- like us -- were born pretty much, as Rousseau and others put it, tabula rasa. That is, as "blank slates" with relatively few built-in instincts, drives, and other in-born...

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Where ‘Liberal’ and ‘Conservative’ REALLY Come From

Where 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' REALLY Come From

If liberals are all heart and no brain and conservatives are all brain and no heart, how would you describe libertarians? How about, "Clearly libertarians are the perfect balance between the two." Here's why that's a pretty accurate assessment - - - Long before history was enabled by writing, like us, our pre-historic small-group ancestors lived primarily by their brains, not their brawn. Unlike other animals, they -- like us -- were born pretty much, as Rousseau and others put it, tabula rasa. That is, as "blank slates" with relatively few built-in instincts, drives, and other in-born...

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