The Looming Threat of Video Game Regulation

The Looming Threat of Video Game Regulation

In just a few decades video gaming has grown from a niche market into one of the largest entertainment industries in the world, certainly no mean feat. However, its transformation has also brought with it the same regulatory problems that every large industry encounters sooner or later. And like most other industries, gaming’s regulatory woes are a combination of internal and external threats. We can categorize these threats as follows: Politicians and regulators trying to control and manage the emerging industry (external) Industry leaders using regulation to their own advantage and to the...

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War is the Continuation of Trumpism by Other Means

Donald Trump’s airstrikes in Syria are tragic proof that he is just as eager to wage actual warfare as he is to wage economic warfare. Yet there should be nothing surprising about his recent attacks. Military intervention does not represent a reversal of Trump’s deeply-held values (if he has any), nor is it a subversion of good intentions by malevolent forces in US politics. He is simply staying true to his word, for once. Trump was never a peace candidate. Even during his campaign, he never criticized foreign intervention on principle, or took a strong stand against regime change and...

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1917: Early Moves Toward American Intervention in World War I

This short piece continues series on some "Deeply Momentous Things" — that is, American intervention in the First World War. (See Part One.) As the first installment has shown in a general way, the background of the war among Europe and its extensions (Canada, Australia, etc.) is crucial to understanding how the United States would eventually declare war on the Central Powers. More specifics on this issue will help us understand just what the might of the United States meant to the warring powers. European leaders on both sides hoped to change the dynamic of the war in January 1917....

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