Pasadena, Calif.—On Monday, March 30, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will consider a case in which two entrepreneurs have spent 23 years trying to travel 55 miles by boat—and they have yet to reach their destination. Read the full article at the Institute for Justice.
Assange Indictment Proves: Liberty Is Your Sword. Let Tech Be Your Shield
"The bureaucratic system of the modern nation-state, administered by central banks, magistrates, presidents and prime ministers, has alienated us from the harmonious state of the world we belong to, depriving us of our innate rights and liberties. Now, imagination from computer science inspires us to rediscover intrinsic value within ourselves — the wisdom of nature that governs our behavior and our rights to express ourselves freely and create our own life."- NOZOMI HAYASE, PH.D.Read full article
‘Distrust in Lebanese banks spurs bitcoin boom’
"If you're fighting for a world where bitcoin is a main currency, you're fighting for the end of all governments...We had the separation of church and state - today, bitcoin is working towards the separation of money and state.""Bitcoin is protected by mathematics, fiat [traditional] currencies are protected by governments. Which do you trust?"
Millennial Success Threatens Default Keynesian Fed-Heads
God forbid my generation gets ahead. Ladies & gentlemen, boys and girls, I give you Default Keynesian 101. Today’s “economists” demonize my fellow millennials’ practice of fiscal responsibility. It’s a miracle my generation can express financial-sovereignty at the apex of student loan debt/deceitful market signals. God forbid they enjoy the fruits of their hard-earned labor & actually get to retire before their parents...and grandparents for that matter. Yet, we get shafted via inflation, and paying off the debts of irresponsible generations before us. After all, who’s gonna pay for...
Dropbit CEO Faces 30 Years for “money laundering”….sick
So much for privacy... Larry Harmon, CEO of the Bitcoin wallet app, Dropbit, has been arrested and is currently in Youngstown Ohio federal jail. Charged with: - Conspiracy to launder money instruments - Operating an unlicensed money transmitting business. He faces up to 30 years.
SFMTA: Improving Mobility or Blocking Competition?
"The point of different city transport agencies nationwide is to foster mobility. These MTAs run the local or regional transit service, and in some cases manage parking, taxis, roads, and other right-of-way issues. But many of them do a poor job. They manage transit services marred by misallocation and lack of innovation, helping explain why ridership has declined recently even as urban cores grow. But worse is that these MTAs, aiming to protect their fiefdoms, often stifle private competition that arises in response to these public failures. This double whammy perfectly describes the San...
Trump Is Right: Afghanistan Is A ‘Loser War’
"After three years of the Trump presidency, the Washington Post is breathlessly reporting that Donald Trump is a boor who insults everyone, including generals used to respect and even veneration. He’s had the impertinence to ask critical questions of his military briefers. For shame! Read full article by Doug Bandow from the American Conservative.
Fox News Documentary Puts Brutality of the Militarized Central State on Full Display
K. Lloyd Billingsley has a review of a new Fox News documentary about George Bush Sr.'s Ruby Ridge slaughter over at the Independent Institute . "[T]he issue was not the left versus right but the militarized central state versus individual life and liberty." Read the full article from the Independent Institute here.
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Imagine the Catholic Church (or any person or group of people) doing what the government does every day: Everyone who doesn’t give the Catholic Church 25% of his annual income every year will be put in jail. If he resists the Jesuit officer, the officer has the right...
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