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We Are Still A Long Way From ‘The Russians Hacked the Election’

As much as it seems to pain mainstream Democrats, Donald Trump didn’t win the presidency because of a vast Russian conspiracy. He won because, for one, his message of protectionism and economic nationalism happened to appeal to many people in critical states, especially in the Rust Belt. And two, Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate who turned off progressives. Clinton embodied everything wrong with mainstream politics. Among other things, Hillary Clinton was just another corporate Democrat who supported the Wall Street bailouts while millions of ordinary Americans suffered, and she was...

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We Are Still A Long Way From 'The Russians Hacked the Election'

As much as it seems to pain mainstream Democrats, Donald Trump didn’t win the presidency because of a vast Russian conspiracy. He won because, for one, his message of protectionism and economic nationalism happened to appeal to many people in critical states, especially in the Rust Belt. And two, Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate who turned off progressives. Clinton embodied everything wrong with mainstream politics. Among other things, Hillary Clinton was just another corporate Democrat who supported the Wall Street bailouts while millions of ordinary Americans suffered, and she was...

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Manufactured Opioid Crisis: a Ploy to Salvage the War on Drugs

In case you haven’t heard, there’s an opioid crisis in America. With majorities of Americans now clearly supportive of marijuana legalization, opioids, a class of drugs used for thousands of years to treat pain and other ailments, have become the latest target of drug warriors and do-gooders alike. “Our nation is in the throes of a heroin and opioid epidemic,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Wednesday. “Overdose deaths more than tripled between 2010 and 2014.  According to the CDC, about 140 Americans on average now die from a drug overdose each day. That means every three weeks, we are...

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