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Unions Love Big Government More Than Their Workers

Unions Love Big Government More Than Their Workers

In the second half of his term President Jimmy Carter signed a series of laws deregulating shipping and transportation in the United States. The Staggers Act, signed into law in 1980, would deregulate rail freight shipping. The law eliminated the government price fixing by the Interstate Commerce Commission and instead allowed the carriers to set their own rates. This deregulation allowed the freight railroad network in the United States to flourish, while in contrast the government controlled Amtrak passenger rail system has floundered. The collective bargaining agreement that governs the...

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In Rebuke of the Dishonorable David Petraeus

In Rebuke of the Dishonorable David Petraeus

In a recent article for The Atlantic David Petraeus came to the conclusion that American soldiers should still be in Afghanistan today. Two thousand, three hundred twenty-four American servicemen killed, $2.3 trillion dollars and over 20 years later convicted criminal and adulterer David Petraeus concludes "In essence, then, from the beginning through to the end—but especially at the end—American commitment was lacking." Petraeus made vague statements regarding the success he achieved while in command of American forces in Afghanistan. He referred to what he believes the American decision...

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