Oh, now it’s a “border,” huh?
The “world’s largest open-air prison” gets a new set of guards.
Oh, now it’s a “border,” huh?
The “world’s largest open-air prison” gets a new set of guards.
"Of course, not Marxists alone, but most of those who emphatically declare themselves anti-Marxists, think entirely on Marxist lines and have adopted Marx’s arbitrary, unconfirmed and easily refutable dogmas. If and when they come into power, they govern and work...
https://youtu.be/u4Ji2zIz1U4 Watch on BitChute Watch on Odysee Watch on Rumble Watch on X
"In his capacity as a businessman a man is a servant of the consumers, bound to comply with their wishes. He cannot indulge in his own whims and fancies. But his customers’ whims and fancies are for him ultimate law, provided these customers are ready to pay for them....