
Never Forget, Trump Is A War Criminal

Barack Obama is currently on tour for his new book, “A Promised Land,’ and as you would expect the interviews are nothing but fluff in which they bring up “hard-hitting” questions about his “historic presidency.” Uncle Hotep mentioned on the Thanksgiving episode of “Hoteps Been Told You,” that the only reason he bought the book was to read anything about hid middle eastern wars. I’m sure there is no detail in there and phrases like “tough decisions” and “human rights” will be abundant. We should never forget the wars that Obama not only continued with vigor, but the ones he started (Yemen, Syria, Libya).

I have a strong suspicion that a lot of people, especially those who know “war is a racket,” may be tempted to make statements such as, “you know, I’m gonna miss Trump.” And most of that is going to be that he pushed the culture war against the radical, “evangelical” Left. While it was nice to see someone take them on constantly – as someone who believes they are violent psychopaths – we must never forget his record when it comes to foreign policy. The Pentagon only began keeping a record of annual bombs dropped on Afghanistan in 2006 , and according to Centcom, more bombs were dropped in 2019 than any year since records have been kept.

Some like to refer to 44 as Obomber, and he was, but Trump in the last two years has ramped that up while he has had people there allegedly negotiating a way out. That sounds counterproductive but maybe that’s just me.

It’s easy to look at Trump’s not having started his own war as a win, and maybe we should, but an escalation of bombing in America’s longest war should give people pause. The intelligent thing to do is to judge someone on their whole record, good and bad, and I can do that, and have. But to ignore the worst thing that States do, the “indiscriminate” bombing of areas that are populated by civilians, is to disregard what could rightly be deemed as genocide. The “Commander-in-Chief” chose not to bring those troops home, to not abandon a war that can’t be won. To shut one’s eyes to his war crimes because he was great at “owning the libs” is not to be the consistent mind that so many put premium on.

If You Like War, You’re Going to Love the Biden Administration

If Joe Biden is successful in his fight for the White House, he will be bringing with him a foreign policy team that is responsible for some of the biggest and deadliest fiascos in the past quarter century. From the idiotic attack on Yugoslavia, to arming jihadists in Syria, to the murder of Libya and the Ukraine coup, the team of rabid interventionists readying themselves to return to power have left a scorched earth behind them. Now they are ready to get back in the ring. On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

This was originally featured at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and is republished with permission.

S. Dakota Tax Parasite ‘Law Enforcement Officers,’ Terrified of Competing for Jobs in the Market, Sue to Stop Pot Legalization

Oh yeah, no, it’s because they are just terribly concerned about the proper process being followed!

If there’s one thing that anyone and everyone knows about the cops of South Dakota: they don’t care about themselves at all! They are only worried what might happen if someone sends the wrong message to the kids! and stuff like that.

California Restaurants Demand More Than $100 Million In Liquor, Health Permit Refunds

2020 11 23 08 21

California’s financially battered restaurants filed government claims Monday to recover more than $100 million in fees for liquor and health permits and tourism charges that they say were assessed even though their businesses were shuttered or only partially operating under long-running coronavirus restrictions.

Few businesses have been hit as hard during the COVID-19 pandemic as restaurants, which in California were ordered closed, reopened, closed for a second time and then allowed to welcome customers again, though with restrictions, such as takeout only. Thousands of eateries have closed permanently.

Owners say one thing has remained constant amid the turmoil: State and county governments have continued to charge fees for liquor licenses, health permits and tourism assessments — even though the restaurants were closed down by government order or permitted to operate with limited capacity and dining.

more at LA. Times

Bro History: Understanding the War Industry

Henry Szamota interviews Christian Sorenson from the new Eisenhower Media Network (EMN) on his book Understanding the War Industry.

Christian Sorensen discusses the triangulation of Pentagon, Corporate and Congressional interests at the center of the massive spending on weapons of war and war itself. Through a revolving door, senior military officers retire with generous pensions only to rejoin the threesome on a corporate board, lobbying Congress, or commenting as an expert on the endless wars they officiate. This profitable way of life is a way of death for countless victims of war and a way toward stagflation and bankruptcy for subjects of the state.

Listen here.



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