
Breonna Taylor: The Stupid Cop May Have Shot Partner in the Leg

Ballistics report doesn’t support Kentucky AG’s claim that Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend shot cop

A Kentucky State Police ballistics report does not support state Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s assertion that Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, shot a Louisville police officer the night she was killed.

Cameron told reporters Wednesday the investigation of Taylor’s death March 13 had ruled out “friendly fire” from ex-officer Brett Hankison as the source of the shot that went through Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly’s thigh, prompting him and Officer Myles Cosgrove to return fire, killing Taylor.

The KSP report says “due to limited markings of comparative value,” the 9-mm bullet that hit and exited Mattingly was neither “identified nor eliminated as having been fired” from Walker’s gun.

Cameron said Hankison had been eliminated as the shooter because the three officers were all carrying .40 caliber handguns, while Walker had a 9.

But appearing later that night on CNN, Steve Romines, one of Walker’s attorneys, said he had obtained a Louisville Metro Police Department record showing Hankison had been issued a 9 mm weapon as well.

Read the rest here.


CNN Has Been Taken Over By The RUSSIANS!!

Here the obviously compromised-by-Russia CNN “reporters” Jasmine Wright, Rachel Janfaza and Gregory Krieg say there are reasons for leftists to oppose Biden:

Progressive activists are wary over criminal justice under a Biden-Harris administration

They cite all leftie activists who say they are going to vote for Biden-Harris, but without enthusiasm. This is a well-known Russian Kompromat Active Measures Psychological Operations tactic!

The all-Powerful Vladimir Putin must have sent the GRU and FSB to take over CNN, our last bastion of freedom and truth protecting America from Russian domination!

Grab all your stuff and your people and go outside and then start running and screaming like a maniac! It’s all over!!!!! Ahhhhhh!

Sorry for the sarcasm. These are such dangerous times, you know.

Aaron Mate vs Josh Rogin On The War In Syria

Aaron Mate takes on Josh Rogin. Aaron links the war on Syria to the war for Al-Qaeda.

“Joe Biden: “Our allies were our largest problem in Syria… They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people who were being supplied were… Al-Qaeda & the extremist elements of jihadis…”

The thread role is here



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