
Exile For James Comey

Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Mueller, Rosenstein, Weissman and all their families should be stripped of their property and banished from the United States of America forever for their treason against the American people and U.S. Constitution. (Don’t give me Lysander Spooner, these men all did owe allegiance.)

The Federalist:

‘Trump Was Right’: Explosive New FBI Texts Detail Internal Furor Over Handling Of ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Investigation
Newly disclosed internal FBI notes and text messages detail the extent of the FBI’s desire to take down Trump and his associates at any cost.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency’s potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump was inaugurated president, previously hidden FBI text messages show. The explosive new communications and internal FBI notes were disclosed in federal court filings today from Sidney Powell, the attorney who heads Michael Flynn’s legal defense team.

“[W]e all went and purchased professional liability insurance,” one agent texted on Jan. 10, 2017, the same day CNN leaked details that then-President-elect Trump had been briefed by Comey about the bogus Christopher Steele dossier. That briefing of Trump was used as a pretext to legitimize the debunked dossier, which was funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign and compiled by a foreign intelligence officer who was working for a sanctioned Russian oligarch.

“Holy crap,” an agent responded. “All the analysts too?”

“Yep,” the first agent said. “All the folks at the Agency as well.”

“[C]an I ask who are the most likely litigators?” an agent responded. “[A]s far as potentially suing y’all[?]”

“[H]aha, who knows….I think [t]he concern when we got it was that there was a big leak at DOJ and the NYT among others was going to do a piece,” the first agent said.

While the names of the agents responsible for the texts are redacted, the legal filing from Powell, quoting communications from the Department of Justice (DOJ), states that the latest document production included handwritten notes and texts from Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, and FBI analysts who worked on the FBI’s investigation of Flynn.

“[T]he new AG might have some questions….then yada yada yada…we all get screwed,” one agent wrote.

The FBI agents also discussed how the investigation’s leadership was consumed with conspiracy theories rather than evidence.

“I’m tellying [sic] man, if this thing ever gets FOIA’d, there are going to be some tough questions asked,” one agent wrote. “[A]nd a great deal of those will be related to Brian having a scope way outside the boundaries of logic[.]”

“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”

Read the rest here.

Dems Giving Each Other Very Bad Advice

I mean I know they’re mostly rationalizing the fact that Biden just can’t keep up a busy schedule and as they admit they’re afraid he’s going to trip up and say something crazy or forget what he’s saying, so they’re spinning like crazy in this Politico story. But do they believe their own bs?:

“The Democratic nominee is sticking to his strategy: Keep a low profile, and let Trump light himself on fire.

“’This is a referendum on Trump, and we’re not playing his game. You shouldn’t, either,’ the Biden adviser instructed. ‘Real people don’t care about Biden’s travel. Fox [News] does. This is not what people are talking about. Look at the polling: It’s littered with hot takes about Biden that have been proven stone-cold wrong time and again.’

“So, it’s tempting, if not fashionable, to acquiesce to the “nothing matters” point of view given the steadiness of the race and Trump’s failures to break through. Biden’s strategy of standing aside and letting Trump light himself on fire has been successful. Why change it now?

“But some Democrats have grown nervous about the lack of an on-ground presence and, in the case of states like Florida, Biden’s softening voter-registration numbers.

“In the end, they’re hoping the polls are right in nearly every battleground state and that antipathy for Trump is so strong it inspires enough turnout to compensate for the relative lack of enthusiasm Biden’s base might have for its candidate.”

There is no way in the world they are going to beat the spread with a campaign like that. What is Trump going to do or say that he hasn’t already done to make things so much worse for himself? It would have to be really bad, not some fake Jeffrey Goldberg rumor-mongering. In the time they’ve got left, they better have one hell of a surprise coming or they can forget it.

More Support For Biden

From Bush Republicans and the national security state. The Democrats are now the party that represents the interests of the NSC, Wall St., corporate America, Hollywood and the corporate press. Yet, Trump may still win.

Eirdybhwaaix77fA bipartisan group of 489 former national security officials have endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The group, National Security Leaders for Biden, said that President Trump “has demonstrated he is not equal to the enormous responsibilities of his office” and “cannot rise to meet challenges large or small.”

“Thanks to his disdainful attitude and his failures, our allies no longer trust or respect us, and our enemies no longer fear us,” the group wrote in a letter released Thursday.

Those who signed the letter include 22 retired four-star generals and numerous high-profile Republicans such as former Navy Secretary Sean O’Keefe and former CIA Director Michael Hayden.

The Republican officials — several of whom were part of the 70 former national security officials who signed on to a separate endorsement of Biden last month — have served under Trump as well as former Republican Presidents George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and Reagan.

They say Trump has little empathy, shrugs off responsibility and has allowed climate change and North Korea’s nuclear program to continue unabated.

Trump has also “ceded influence to a Russian adversary who puts bounties on the heads of American military personnel,” they write, referring to allegations that Trump selectively chose to ignore intelligence reports about Russian bounties placed on U.S. service members in the Middle East.

The bounty information was reportedly included in at least one of the president’s written briefings in February, though the president has dismissed the reports.

The group said on Thursday that they believe Biden “has the character, principles, wisdom, and leadership necessary to address a world on fire.”

Biden “has learned hard lessons and grown as a leader who can take positive action to unite and heal our country. It is unthinkable that he would ever utter the phrase ‘I don’t take responsibility at all,’ ” the group writes.

The group was referring to comments made by Trump in a recorded interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward, in which the president deflected blame for his administration’s sluggish ability to test Americans for the coronavirus.The letter comes after an article in The Atlantic, which reported that Trump canceled a 2018 trip to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris, questioning whether it was necessary to visit a cemetery “filled with losers.”

Trump has denied the report.

The Hill

RIP Keith Hufnagel

RIP Keith Hufnagel, great skater and great spreader of skateboarding to the people.

Someone figure out how to cure cancer please.

Thrasher‘s eulogy:

THE WORD LEGEND has entered our everyday lexicon to the point that we’ve lost sight of its huge power and rarity. Keith Hufnagel defined the word, his reputation extending far beyond our skateboarding bubble, a man so iconic that his name, in just three letters, H-U-F, has come to represent a worldwide brand.

Hailing from New York City, HUF burst onto the 1990s San Francisco skate scene with otherworldly power and pop, reaching the height of his profession, while simultaneously orchestrating his next landmark, launching his own mold-breaking, brick and mortar stores in The City. Lightyears ahead of the curve, his vision and curation of those shops would transform HUF from nickname to international trademark. We didn’t just want to skate like HUF, we wanted to look like HUF – to be HUF.

Each of us leaves our own little mark, but Keith, you left a whole damn, still echoing canyon. Don’t see how we’ll ever fill that void, don’t know if we want to. Love you forever. –Tony Vitello

Pathetic Little Weasel Juan Guaido Again Calls For Foreign Invasion of Venezuela

That’s sure to win over the population of the country finally, right?

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