
Abolish the CDC, Zika Example

From the Post:

Four years before the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fumbled the nation’s chance to begin effective early testing for the novel coronavirus, the agency similarly mishandled its efforts to detect another dreaded pathogen.

Amid a feared outbreak of the newly emerged Zika virus, senior CDC officials in 2016 sidelined an effective test for it — and instead directed public health laboratories nationwide to use a more complicated test that failed about one-third of the time.

Crazies Come After Walter Block

“It’s as though our emotions are running wild, but our minds have just stopped.” –Bill Hicks

The kooks come after Walter Block for political incorrectitude.

One important point, they don’t even know what they’re talking about:

“As for the firing,” said Block, “these students don’t realize that I favor gay marriages, open borders, reparations to blacks for slavery, and that the NYTimes misquoted me, I sued them for libel, won in court, and settled on terms satisfactory to me.”


War’s Lost, Come Home

A little bit of appreciation for the Russiagate kooks: Thanks for bringing Afghanistan back to the attention of the American people.

That’s right everyone, we’re still at war in Afghanistan even though we lost it 15 years ago. 2,449 Americans have been killed so far, hundreds of thousands of Afghans. You know, just so you know.

Fools Errand First Front

More Regarding The Latest Russiaphobia

Lee Camp makes the same point as Sheldon. Why pay for what you can get for free.

We could talk about the context of the fact that the Taliban does not need to be paid to kill American soldiers because their entire goal for the past twenty years has been to kill American soldiers. Paying them a bounty would be like offering the guy sleeping with your wife twenty bucks to sleep with your wife.


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