
You Say You Want A Revolution

Defund the state!

Untitled 6 3 640x400“I want to say that as long as we don’t receive our rights as citizens, without the terrible and discouraging bureaucracy, I’m declaring that I’m not paying taxes to the State of Israel,” Rudner said. “I call on all Israelis to do the same. Maybe then, at the end of the day, something will change here.”

Musician starts tax boycott as artists, gyms, cafes rebel against gov’t on virus
Hemi Rudner declares he’s stopped paying taxes, calls on others to follow until more support given to self-employed; fitness chain rebrands to stay open, restaurants defy rules

More On Michele Flournoy From Kelly B. Vlahos

Highly educated, elitist upbringing, high achiever, successful – ‘She’s a technocrat—smart and efficient and highly bred for Washington’s finely tuned managerial class.”

“But elite is as elite does. She went from Beverly Hills High School to Harvard to Oxford, and then back to Harvard, before landing a political appointment in the Clinton Administration. In between government perches, she did consulting and started CNAS in hopes of creating a shadow national security council for Hillary Clinton. When Clinton didn’t get the nomination, Flournoy and her colleagues supported Obama and helped populate his administration, supporting the military surge in Afghanistan and prolonging the war. She was called the “mastermind” behind Obama’s Afghan strategy, which we now know was a failure, an effort at futility and prolonging the inevitable. In fact, we know now that most of the war establishment was lying through its teeth. But that hasn’t stopped her from getting clients. They pay for her influence, not her ability to win wars.”

“Queen of the Blob, Queen of Business as Usual”

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