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$12,890 of $60,000 raised


NYT Still Joking Around About Dead Americans in Afghanistan

Do they have editors at this paper anymore, or it’s all just pre-packaged in Langley?

In an article about three marines who should have never been in Afghanistan in the first place getting killed there in a suicide truck bombing last year, they 1 try to push their Russian bounties hoax some more, while 2 admitting that they’ve got no case to make even though this is their 9th or 10th article in a series on this obvious lie:

“American intelligence agencies are investigating whether that car bomb was detonated at the behest of a Russian military agency paying bounties to Afghan militia groups for killing American troops. Such a possibility, if true, would be a staggering repudiation of Mr. Trump’s yearslong embrace of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Thus far, there is no conclusive evidence linking the deaths to any kind of Russian bounty.”

Yeah, yeah. “If true”; the story of the last four years of Russiagate lies in two words.

They then helpfully remind us:

The investigation into the deaths of the three Marines continues. Although Mr. Trump has dismissed the suspected Russian payments as “fake news,” Congress has begun hearings into the matter. Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that while the government so far lacks proof that any Russian bounties caused specific military casualties, “we are still looking.”

As that famous liar Donald Rumsfeld said about Iraq’s unconventional weapons, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Good enough for the newspaper of record, of course.

Cross-posted at

BLM Protesters Sit In at Kentucky AG’s House, Arrested

87 people were arrested and charged with felonies(!) for sitting in at the Kentucky Attorney General’s house to let him know that he better charge the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor. (ACLU is protesting against the felony charges. They’re almost sure to be dropped.)

This — accountability for killer cops — is exactly the point and these are exactly the tactics that the Black Lives Matter movement should be focusing on. The actual individual human beings sitting in the positions as judges, DAs, AGs, mayors, police chiefs, etc. must be made to understand that they personally will be held accountable, and not just maybe-someday at the ballot box. “Your neighbors are all going to hate your guts for bringing all these chanting black people to your neighborhood every day,” is certain to be far more effective.

Just look how they’ve shaken the black female DA in L.A.: She’s terrified because they want to force her to jail murderer cops. So far she’s more afraid of the police than the people, but that’s clearly beginning to change.

Congratulations to the protest leaders who are focusing their efforts in this way. Blaming everybody who’s not a cop for being “racist” is a massive waste of effort, when it’s not downright counterproductive. Focusing on the individual people of all colors who *actually* help cops get away with murder is surely the way to go.

Keith Preston on: American Secession The Looming Threat Of National Breakup

From Keith Preston at Attack The System: A review of F.H Buckley’s book American Secession (available on Amazon)

51x8obbjphlAmericans have never been more divided, and we’re ripe for a breakup. The bitter partisan animosities, the legislative gridlock, the growing acceptance of violence in the name of political virtue—it all invites us to think that we’d be happier were we two different countries. In all the ways that matter, save for the naked force of law, we are already two nations.

There’s another reason why secession beckons, says F.H. Buckley: we’re too big. In population and area, the United States is one of the biggest countries in the world, and American Secession provides data showing that smaller countries are happier and less corrupt. They’re less inclined to throw their weight around militarily, and they’re freer too. There are advantages to bigness, certainly, but the costs exceed the benefits. On many counts, bigness is badness.

Across the world, large countries are staring down secession movements. Many have already split apart. Do we imagine that we, almost alone in the world, are immune? We had a civil war to prevent a secession, and we’re tempted to see that terrible precedent as proof against another effort. This book explodes that comforting belief and shows just how easy it would be for a state to exit the Union if that’s what its voters wanted.

But if that isn’t what we really want, Buckley proposes another option, a kind of Secession Lite, that could heal our divisions while allowing us to keep our identity as Americans.

Glenn Greenwald On The Coalition Of Pro-War Democrats And Republicans

Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept: How The Armed Services Committee, In The Middle Of A Pandemic, Approved A Huge Military Budget And More War In Afghanistan.

For anyone that needs a reminder of what Democrats (and some Republicans) were saying about V.P. Dick Cheney after the Iraq War, go back and read this article from The Atlantic:

“When Vice President Dick Cheney left office, his approval rating stood at a staggeringly low 13 percent. Few political figures in history have been so reviled.”

Ap 19015567103352 1024x683Apparently all is forgiven (or forgotten) as Republicans and Democrats teamed up with the heir of the Cheney war hawk clan, daughter Liz Cheney, to pass a series of amendments that set conditions on removing troops from Afghanistan (essentially blocking the Trump administration) and increasing military spending while the country is economically suffering from the coronavirus response.

As we reported last week, pro-war and militaristic Democrats on the Committee joined with GOP Rep. Liz Cheney and the pro-war faction she leads to form majorities which approved one hawkish amendment after the next. Among those amendments was one co-sponsored by Cheney with Democratic Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado that impeded attempts by the Trump administration to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, and another amendment led by Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., and Cheney which blocked the White House’s plan to remove 10,000 troop stationed in Germany.

While those two amendments were designed to block the Trump administration’s efforts to bring troops home, this same bipartisan pro-war faction defeated two other amendments that would have imposed limits on the Trump administration’s aggression and militarism: one sponsored by Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to require the Trump administration to provide a national security rationale before withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF, signed with the Soviet Union in 1987, and another to impose limits on the ability of the U.S. to arm and otherwise assist Saudi Arabia to bomb Yemen.

In Washington their is only one party – the war party.


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