
Pompeo’s Latest Iran Scheme

Well, it’s an article by David Sanger in the New York Times, so who knows if a single word of it is true.

But what it says is that the U.S. plans on reentering the Iran nuclear deal of 2015, just to try to force a “snap-back” of the UN sanctions regime and ban on conventional weapons sales to Iran, get this, in the name of Iran deliberately exceeding some of the limitations on their enrichment program in response to the U.S. breaking the deal first — something they’re actually allowed to do in the deal.

Then again, Pompeo is who he is, so it’s no surprise.

Libertarians, Other Decent People: Let Non-Violent Prisoners Out Due to Coronavirus: Govt.: Nope, We Rather Let Rapists Out Instead

NYC man released from Rikers Island over coronavirus arrested on new rape charge.

A Brooklyn man was arrested Saturday for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman just 10 days after he was released from Rikers Island over concerns about the spread of the coronavirus behind bars, according to a report.

Robert Pondexter, 57, was being held at the notorious New York City prison on a separate rape charge when he was released.

He was charged Saturday with attempted rape and sexual assault among other offenses, the New York Post reported, citing anonymous police sources. …

The caller told police a man had been walking across the street from a supportive housing development when he allegedly grabbed a 58-year-old woman whom he did not know by the collar and pulled her into a school parking lot.

The woman told officers he forced her to perform oral sex and demanded that she remove her pants before she was able to kick away from him. She was transported to a local hospital. …

Pondexter was released from Rikers Island on April 15 as part of the facility’s effort to improve social distancing and prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Post reported. He had been held for allegedly raping a different woman who he used drugs with.


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