
Stephen Miller Caught Lying About Libertarianism!

Stephen Miller Caught Lying About Libertarianism!

“The Libertarian party is for hard drugs, unlimited immigration, prostitution, radical secularism, no jail for predators, anarchy on the streets. (IOW, identical to the Democrat Party). So if you like those things vote Libertarian or vote Democrat—because they are one in the same.” – Stephen Miller

Hard drugs? Republicans assisted Big Pharma, the most deadly pushers on planet earth after Trump appointed Fauci, printed trillions, and implemented Operation Warp Speed before telling his followers to get vaccinated. We only oppose caging people for using drugs, which does not mean we are “for” it, any more than supporting free speech means you endorse everything everyone has ever said.

Radical secularism? Libertarians practice Thou Shalt Not Steal and Thou Shalt Not Murder. Republicans support the ft when called taxation and murder when called foreign policy.

No jail for predators? We support jailing all those who initiate fraud or violence, Trump however was friends with child rapist and trafficker Ghislane Maxwell and wished her “well” after her arrest*. Have Republicans called for jailing the Saudis for their mass murder campaign in Yemen? Or the Ukrainian regime’s civilian murders in eastern Ukraine since 2014? How about U.S. politicians who lie under oath or start wars based on lies?

Identical to the Democrats? Do the Democrats support abolishing taxation, regulation, the Federal Reserve, welfare, government schools, corporate subsidies, occupational licensing, civil asset forfeiture, the CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA, and the FDA?

Notice Republicans like Miller support all these things.

Chaos in the streets? Republicans support the government monopolizing police services which guarantee we all get higher prices and worse quality, libertarians support free market security competition (alarms, guns, knives, brick walls, locks, private security guards, etc.). Nothing is more chaotic than the governments which have given us world wars and wars on “terrorism” with tens of millions dead – that’s the system Miller supports. Same police who punished Kyle Rittenhouse and the McCloskey family for defending themselves and had a massive which hunt for January 6th attendees while seldom punishing Antifa or BLM for months of indiscriminate rioting.

To convey such a blatantly false version of reality is to lie.

AOC Exposes Herself as a Total Fraud

AOC Exposes Herself as a Total Fraud


So often Democratic Socialists will claim that private companies are bad because they care not about others but only for their own personal benefit.

Want money voluntarily? That’s greed!

Taking money via taxation with the threat of jailing peaceful people, that’s public service!

If AOC really saw herself as a representative, she would be in tears knowing her constituents are upset with her policies. Instead, she literally smiles and dances.

The free market represents peoples values more than the political sphere ever will since it faces competition and lets people opt out of participating with bad actors, the political system by definition does no such thing.

Republican Rep. Michael Waltz: America Last!

“I think the vast majority of the conference realizes that we either pay now or pay later, that Russian President Vladimir Putin fully intends, if he takes Ukraine, to move on to NATO-allied countries like the Baltics, and Poland and Finland,” he told The Hill in a phone interview Tuesday.

You see how it works: They have to lie to get you to support America’s wars, because there is no other way to justify them.


Elon Musk Replies to Article

Elon Musk Replies to Article

Yesterday, Elon Musk commented on an article that was republished on Zerohedge. The article was written by Libertarian Institute news editor Kyle Anzalone.

The article detailed annual NATO war games that simulate nuclear strikes on Russia. The war games, entitled “Steadfast Noon,” began yesterday and are slated to through the end of October.

Although these war games occur every year, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said cancelling this year’s war games would “send the wrong signal” to Russia.

If Elon Musk recognizes the extreme danger of nuclear escalation over Ukraine, why can’t our leaders?


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