
Marco Rubio is a Liar

Marco Rubio is a Liar


Rubio believes terrorists hate us because of our freedom and because girls go to school.

Two sources using Bin Laden’s own words will suffice for now, for more see “23 examples” by Keith Knight,

Then the fighters realized that the gang in the White House could not see things clearly, and that their leader (that idiot they obey) was claiming that we envied their lifestyle — when the truth, which this Pharaoh would like to hide — is that we are attacking them because of their injustice toward the Muslim world, and especially Palestine and Iraq, as well as their occupation of the land of the two sanctuaries. When the fighters saw this, they decided to come out of the shadows and take the fight into their territory, into their homes.

– Al Qaeda in Its Own Words, edited by Gilles Kepel and Jean-Pierre Milelli, translated by Pascale Ghazaleh (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; Cambridge, Massachusetts: 2008), p. 62.


The youth hold you responsible for all of the killings and evictions of the Muslims and the violation of the sanctuaries carried out by your Zionist brothers in Lebanon. You openly supplied them with arms and finance. More than 600,000 Iraqi children have died due to lack of food and medicine, and as a result of the unjustifiable aggression (sanctions) imposed on Iraq and its people. The children of Iraq are our children. You, the U.S., together with the Saudi regime, are responsible for the shedding of the blood of these innocent children. Due to all of that, whatever treaty you have with our country is null and void. It is a duty now on every tribe in the Arabian Peninsula to fight jihad in the cause of God and to cleanse the land from those occupiers… In 1304 A.H. (1936) the awakened Muslim nation of Palestine started their great struggle, jihad, against the British occupying forces… Terrorizing you, while you are carrying arms on our land, is a legitimate and morally demanded duty.

– Declaration of Jihad Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries (from Jihad: Bin Laden in His Own Words, Declarations, Interviews, and Speeches by Brad K. Berner; Peacock Books: 2006), p. 45, 55, 56.

These People Are Out of Their Minds

I mean the consensus take over there at on the Russia-Ukraine war. Same as it ever was and all, but this time with H-bombs.

This is why history is so fucked up. It’s just the crazy-ass present of the past.

Let’s hope humanity at least survives the next idiotic war to write the history of how stupid and unnecessary it all was.

If anyone knows what to do that we’re not doing to try to prevent this, email me.

tfw Your Country is a Corrupt, Evil Empire

Connor Echols at Quincy: Russia sanctions create ‘opportunity’ for US weapons makers to get new clients: White House

A National Security Council official said Tuesday that sanctions on Russia have created an “opportunity” for U.S. arms makers to find new buyers.

“Just as a practical matter, countries that have heretofore relied on Russian equipment are going to find it very difficult to get even basic supplies coming through because of this weakened defense industrial base,” Cara Abercrombie, the NSC’s coordinator for defense policy and arms control, said at a defense industry conference.

Abercrombie added that U.S. weapons manufacturers need to be “ready to go” in order to seize the opportunity, noting that the government is “looking at opportunities to provide countries what they need.”

A Message to Russia and China Hawks

A Message to Russia and China Hawks




Not provoking nuclear war with Russia or China needs to be our number one priority. Wars result in mass death, missing limbs, lost loved ones, and post traumatic stress disorder for the common man while providing prestige for politicians, never knowing if the end result will be worth the monumental cost.

Dwight D. Eisenhower knew this in 1956 when he refused to respond militarily to Soviet atrocities in Hungary, Ronald Regan understood this in 1983 when the Soviets shot down an American aircraft (KAL007) which killed an American Congressman.

War eventually brought down the Soviet Empire, Japanese, German, French, British, Austro-Hungarian, Romanov, and Ottoman Empires. War – indiscriminate theft and mass murder – is immoral AND we cannot afford it.


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