Russiagate is Horseshit

by | Sep 13, 2020

A fan of the show wrote wanting to know how can I not see what a Russian agent Trump is? Well:

Popodopolous had no knowledge of any Russian anything. The guy who set him up was not a Russian agent, but MI-6.

Carter Page was a CIA asset, not a Russian one. And they knew that all along but pretended not to while using him as the basis of the investigation.

Sessions was a piece of shit, but not a traitor. He met with the ambassador in his senate office in front of his staff of all retired Army officers, and at a public speech, formalities only.

Flynn was entrapped by the FBI who even rehearsed how to set him up. He never received a single instruction from Russia. He was a 3 star general not a traitor. (The foreign powers he represented were Turkey and Israel.)

The Trump Tower meeting was a setup. It was Glenn Simpson who told the lady to pretend to have dirt on Clinton which she did not have. No intelligence agency involved whatsoever.

Simpson is the same one who commissioned the entirely fake Dossier that claimed Trump was compromised for years by Russia and through Page and Manafort. And the fake piss tape.

Maria Butina was a gun rights activist. Period. Not part of any plot at all.

The meaningless platform statement re Ukraine was changed at the behest of local GOPs, not Russia.

The Facebook ads were mostly AFTER the election and amounted to a few hundred views out of TRILLIONS. The ads were meaningless and the few small rallies they organized were tiny. And there is no reason whatsoever to believe that ANY of that was an intel op, just a clickbait farm like a million others. And Michael Cohen never went to Prauge to arrange them.

There is no evidence the Russians hacked the DNC and the accusers, Crowdstrike, secretly admitted that to congress a year and a half ago. NONE.

There is no evidence Wikileaks got ANYTHING from Russia ever, and Mueller didn’t even try to claim it.

Roger Stone had no backchannel to Wikileaks and they aren’t Russia anyway.

And Manafort — if anything he was an American agent trying to get the leader of Russia to lean west. His “ledger” was a fraud, and his buddy Kilimnik was NOT a Russian agent. He worked for McCain’s National Republican Institute for years. Neither were taking orders from Russia and the polling data was part of no plot at all.

There was no secret communication between Trump and the Russian Alfa bank — it was a spam bot.

The FBI knew every bit of this BEFORE they ever launched the Special Council investigation.

It was a CIA-FBI putsch against the elected president of the United States, no matter what else you think of him.

And they would have done the same thing to Bernie, and I’d have defended him too.

And fuck NATO. You know why Germany is not arming up right now? Because they know that Russia AIN’T COMING. USA is the USSR now.

Meanwhile, did you know that Trump has added two countries to NATO? Did you know he’s sent troops to Poland and is planning permanent bases there? That he’s sent troops to train and parade just yards from Russia’s borders in the Baltics? That he’s sent weapons Obama was afraid to sent to Ukraine, that he’s withdrawn from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty and Open Skies and is about to leave New START, all while he’s stepped up Air Force and Navy harassment of Russian assets in the Black and Baltic seas?

Some secret Russian agent.

Russiagate is Q-Anon-level conspiratard horseshit. Get it right.

Scott Horton

Scott Horton

Scott Horton is director of the Libertarian Institute, editorial director of, host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from He is the author of four books. He has conducted more than 6,000 interviews since 2003. Scott lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, Larisa Alexandrovna Horton.

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