From the Free Thought Project: WATCH: Cops Violate Social Distancing to Arrest Innocent Dad for Playing in a Park with 6yo Daughter
Brighton, CO — Over the weekend, Matt Mooney, his wife, and their 6-year-old daughter were playing t-ball at an empty park when a half dozen cops showed up and kidnapped Mooney. The family was not in violation of any law, were obeying social distancing mandates, and had harmed absolutely no one.
Mooney tells TFTP that the city issued an order that all parks were closed during the COVID-19 shutdown. However, the open spaces at the parks were still accessible as long as certain rules were followed. In fact, the sign at the park at which Mooney and his family were playing read as follows: “Closed” but just below that part, the sign reads, “in groups of no more than 4 persons, parks remain open for walking, hiking, biking, running and similar activities.”
Mooney was in a group of three and violated none of the park’s or city’s rules. The only people violating the social distancing guidelines were the cops who showed up to arrest him.
Read the rest and watch the video here.