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Radicalizing the “Homeland” UPDATED, August 11, 2016

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Radicalizing the “Homeland” UPDATED, August 11, 2016 They make a cute couple, huh? Terrorist fundraiser-turned-Homeland Security Commissar Pete King poses with an unidentified unlawful combatant.   (See the update at the end of the essay.) “We’re talking about a radicalization in this country that is linked to an overseas enemy,” insists […]

The War Machine on the East River

Thursday, March 17, 2011 The War Machine on the East River The deed is done: The UN Security Council Declares War on Libya. “There are things in the Constitution that have been overtaken by events, by time,” insisted the late Rep. Henry Hyde in 2002, as the regime of Bush the Lesser prepared to invade […]

Hysterical Blindness

Thursday, March 24, 2011 Hysterical Blindness “Who’s the Justiciar here?” Theodoric of York consults the Writ of Common Wisdom. There exists today in our Grand and Holy Homeland a secret party of seditionists who stealthily undermine secular authority by seeking to govern themselves according to religious law. While eagerly exploiting the freedoms and material conveniences […]

Inside the FBI’s Terrorism Factory

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Inside the FBI’s Terrorism Factory Thought Criminal-turned-trophy defendant James Cromitie.  As an ex-convict, Newburgh, New York resident James Cromitie was thankful to find a steady job. As a Muslim convert, he was particularly grateful that he could wear his kufi — a knit skullcap akin to a yarmulke — at work […]

Heads Up, Mexico: You May be Next

Thursday, April 7, 2011 Heads Up, Mexico: You May be Next The time has come, insists Representative Michael McCaul (R-Texas), “for the U.S. to show serious commitment to war in our own backyard.”  It’s shamefully narrow-minded of Washington to confer the blessings of humanitarian mass murder on distant Bedouins while ignoring our Mestizo neighbors to […]

Stormtroopers and Child-Snatchers (Update, April 14)

Monday, April 11, 2011 Stormtroopers and Child-Snatchers (Update, April 14) The Nanny State Goes to War: Paramilitary Police lay siege to Maryanne Goldbodo’s Detroit Home. Ariana Goldboldo, a mentally handicapped 13-year-old, was abducted from her home at gunpoint on March 24. Her captors have systematically poisoned her through injections of a dangerous psychoactive drug. There […]



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