
They Always Kill Children

They Always Kill Children

“Why is the World Silent?” - Chaim Kaplan Humanity has endured self-inflicted savagery for all its history. Modern civilizations have apparently transcended above the primal savagery of ancient barbarity, yet despite technology allowing us to peer in with a voyeur's...

Give Peace a Chance

Give Peace a Chance

Armchair generals and warmongers often share a similar view when it comes to analyzing historical and contemporary events; if the military was not constrained, then victory would be assured. That is the language of mass murderers disguised beneath the need for...

News Roundup 10/2/2023

News Roundup 10/2/2023

US News A partial “shutdown” of the federal government, which seemed inevitable amid battles over spending in both chambers of Congress, was averted after the House and Senate passed a stop-gap funding bill without any Ukraine aid on Saturday night. Passed before the...

News Roundup 10/2/2023

News Roundup 9/25/2023

US News Senator Robert Menendez, his wife, and three businessmen have all been indicted by a federal grand jury in a corruption scheme. The New Jersey Democrat and his spouse, Nadine Menendez, allegedly received hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for...



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